Thursday, December 11, 2008

Need A Small Piece Of Corian

communicative act

spundo Taking the comment by our colleague Saleh, I think it's very interesting to talk of "communicative act".
The communicative act has the task of making the common object communication between two or more speakers. It must be understood as the transmission of information via messages, by an issuer to a recipient. Because this process occurs, it is necessary that the components that make up the message (the signs) are constructed according to certain rules and combined according to others, and these rules form the code. If these rules were not present, the communication would be very difficult. Human communication is emerging as an interactive process in which we understand in relation to situations, interests, expectations and circumstances.
Within a communicative act there are only a transmitter and a receiver, but, as he points out Jakobson, a situation communication is also characterized especially by the message that is transmitted from the code by which the message is encoded, the channel (physical means or instrumentality of the transmission of the message), the context and the contact between sender and receiver.
Communication can be understood as the process is to transmit or circulate the information, a set of data in whole or in part unknown to the recipient before the communicative act. It should be noted that:
a) the relationship between sender and receiver is bilateral and reversible in the sense that each partner has the ability to assume the role of the other, b) -Because the message is considered as a bearer of meaning, then it leads to action;
c) the act of communication the sender and the receiver are adapted to one another and to the general situation to convey the meaning ;
d) the situation with the communication is dialogue, but in reality the relationship between sender and receiver is integrated into a variety of networks. Every relationship that is influenced by the existence of a vast and complex social relationships;
e) human communication is an act driven intentionality. The time of a message is marked by the need to transform a psychic content in an objective fact to be handed interlocutor and to ensure that the latter can understand.
The second phase of the communication is made by decoding the sent message: it is a dynamic process that involves a rich and complex conscious activity, attention and effort to collect all data necessary for an understanding of an expression. Once perceived and deciphered the message (verbal or otherwise) it must rebuild. The reception implies a continuous creation, which is to attempt to find the meaning intended by the issuer. So, in addition to the perception and recognition of signs, it also has the interpretation of that message. But not always reach the exact perception of the message transmitted, as this can be altered from disturbing elements, such as emotional components, disease states that affect the outcome of the communication. As the problem of mental illness always coincide with that of the relationship between individual and organization, then very often, context and expectations, act in an integrated manner, ensuring that people perceive things and how we expect to find them. That we tend to interpret the signs so that they are compatible with our beliefs. They then were given great importance in communication.

[S. Gensini (ed.), Handbook of Communication, Ed Carocci, Roma, 1999, p. 25].
[Garzanti Encyclopedia of Philosophy, p. 195].
[Ricci Bitti, Zani, op. cit. p. 26].


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