Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Clear A Babys Throat

Right to education and social promotion: the impossible Agreement

The school is considered the collective imagination as a stable organization founded to pursue a task and purpose of 'social relevance' to educate, train, teach the generations that preceded the 'maturity' to essential elements, data 'indispensable' [to draw conclusions], on which is founded and holds a particular and 'polite' form of social organization, improve the whole body of literary knowledge, scientific, artistic, political as well get used to the beliefs, traditions , core labor standards, their discipline of a people in a given historical period, and again, start to possession of a given section of knowledge which is the subject of study and teaching or the exercise of specific, well defined and certain 'profession', which is often distinct from the set of manual skills.

The complex of ideas, of ideals, theories and aims, but also the conception of the world and life, belief and doctrine, which constitute the raison d'être and the program, and at the same time, a 'mask' and a cover of that political group, also known as' middle class' - and variously described as' alta'-, that is characterized by its own ideological and cultural line up to go to form associations and parties in pursuing 'public' true purpose of the hegemonic class, 'reassuring', with a magical rhetorical skills, the community as a whole that the school is the sphere where every individual is part of civil society has the so-called 'equal opportunity' for social advancement through the study.

Teaching students, who regularly travel to places prone to disciplinary training, and enforcement of these young minds to learning, knowledge only of the arguments deserve to be analyzed with caution gloss on the one hand, includes the time of life that stands - and that must be tackled - including an infant stage, lacking in rigorous systematic logic, and another called 'mature 'individual, which would achieve the full development of rational faculties and, secondly, is emerging as the best method can result in a climb the ranks, a rise from the position, and its status, occupied by an individual in society. In this ideological context, the university, which legally is the scientific-educational and cultural institution which is the highest school level of education and research, in fact, closely linked to its function to the machine manufacturer and sorting of personnel assigned to cover occupying a highly professional and to renew and adapt the structure of the organization of labor according to the particular needs claimed by civil society. Moreover, the possibility of spending their studies on the labor market anticipates the young student at the prospect of employment largely profitable, which is characterized by the fact that they often do not hand a little tiring, held in the office or study and that the future professional will be able to manage independently. The exercise usually a independent profession is also indicative of some importance to its work: in fact, there is no doubt that the legal profession or the exercise of medicine, simply a numerical imbalance, inevitably stand out compared to many manual skills and do not represent the majority of the occupations of the community.

The possibility to progress to degree for those who stagnate in places civilian subordinates of the hierarchy [as if there were then as an impulsive need to achieve a greater level of dignity] would seem, now more than ever before, guaranteed: the bombast of the speeches that are to be conferred awards and honors materials only in relation to individual merit is only the visible part of this insurance.

However, as frequently happens, the equalization and uniformity in the criteria useful to dispense with the honors even economic benefits that can substantially affect quality of life of people is only apparent and in law, but in fact, is a form useful to keep alive the deceptive hoax, or a sad farce, a tragicomedy that allows you to store and disguise the arbitrary nature of a meritocracy, which in reality does nothing but continue to depend on the decisions on the quality of skills a young student from the will of the ruling classes.

Until the doors of higher education were in fact open only to the highest layers of society, the deceptive illusion of equal opportunity and legal rhetoric is welded to an appearance that showed no particular distortion because the device selection, by not having to discriminate between upper classes and lower classes, seemed to use criteria for assessing skills and competencies that were stable, sufficiently tested and that, as such, supported the appearance of being universally valid.

The student movement that has characterized the sixties and seventies and the parties to which the movement was 'correct' reference fought not to expose the tricks used by the hegemonic class to discriminate, marginalize, penalize the lower classes but to make owner the right to study or, in other words, what every citizen can justly claim to the community, or the privilege of being judged by the objective mechanism which decided progress in rank of the individual. This claim was supported and higher education were granted by the majority of the youth population. The right to education was actually experiencing.

The growth of material prosperity led to the formation of small and large middle class (Pasolini equates to growth of well-being too radical 'anthropological mutation' which means, at the phenomenal level, the inability to distinguish in fact among the physique of a worker and that of a bank official or a professional) and able to use effectively in practice of law and granted the opportunity to access higher education. Hence the simple consideration that if almost all of the new generation is able to achieve higher education, and because many families are finally liberated from a state of deprivation and need, is, perhaps, a greater propensity or willingness to study young people themselves, they cease, and it is certainly good to have a nature elitist, aristocratic, for privileged classes. Nevertheless, it is true that the claims and struggles of the students had canceled the class discrimination in access to university, it is not true that it had been totally eradicated. Intact at all, as is proper in a democracy, shall be able to take advantage of higher education, but few can enjoy major occupations, always the prerogative of the aristocracy. If the ruling class can not implement the device on the marginalization that now stands as the 'middle class' in access to university, this device is likely to be preserved and implemented, either through additional gear, supplements, when the secondary new graduates will enter the world of work or, using a very popular, barbaric and crude administrative action, restricting and containing within certain limits the right to study. In addition, implement measures aimed at making the most expensive high school reveal the nature of hypocrisy and concealment of King's speeches on equal opportunity and merit. Sincerity and loyalty with their voters would cause the loss of consensus and, inevitably, outrage and anger of the majority, therefore, can only flow into a disagreement variously characterized as violent, up to rebellion. The emphasis on merit reassurance about the possibility of a hike or simply a social stability through the study. The illusions about the future of middle-class family are so unscathed, undamaged.

However, it is the same reality that reveals, uncovers, highlights the duplicity of the recitation, the fraud and deception behind the rhetorical invention of equity judgments based on merit: alarmingly, the majority of graduates can no longer commute to their employment security with a stable job. Becoming more and more numerous, the exchange value of the certificate awarded to students who have completed the full cycle of university studies decreases dramatically collapses. A degree is no longer able to bring out those who possess it. The class discrimination is moved, by making use of the institutions 'private' and the discrediting of those 'public', at the end of their studies, which do not allow now no prospect of improvement of living conditions. Magically, you are guaranteed the right to study in proportion to the chances of the ruling class to maintain their hegemonic authority and direction. This situation, combined with character displacement of the capitalist economy, pushes people to accept such employment contracts, flexible to widespread insecurity, inability to foresee the future and act to guide their future, they have to hire same nature malleable able to adapt to every situation and context in which it was forced for the simple existence, and not with a view of some well-being, to operate.

In the age of cognitive capitalism and insecurity knowledge of disperses, dissolves gradually in the hope of the middle class, became small-towns, to elevate their status social conditions through the public school education. Simultaneously, the increasing polarization and inequality in the distribution of wealth among the population groups would enable the ruling caste freedom to be daring undertaking a policy of restrictions on right to education.

In this perspective, you can expect that the activity of research and knowledge, a source of scientific and technological progress, is considered by large segments of the population almost as a monetary damage, a disadvantage, a disadvantage compared to those they consider most appropriate to begin work without venturing to enter the university from financial and public expenditure which, having no factual findings, we can not afford.

This anticipatory prediction or premonition, an actual flash forward should in some way, bringing a new awareness of the nature and meaning of the study. From this it can also result in a different social structure, its roles, work organization and its hierarchy of merit or as a model of meritocracy is right to try. If the fatalistic premonition drawn sees this as an inevitable future, and suggests a passive acceptance and resignation of the future, it is possible and, therefore, a duty for those who feel and suffer the inconvenience of a foolish policy as polished at least try to stop, to stop and prevent the passage of this awkward destiny.

Perhaps it is utopian or at least very unwise to consider that the student movement, alone, can implement the process of breaking with the existing order. What this 'organization split and great' can do is to exercise critical their thoughts and expose the deceptions, ruses, and covers the fictions that the scatters of the powerful caste in the public arena in order to conceal the abuses and the despotic aristocratic character of a policy that affects so burdensome on the very life of individuals.

Perhaps a first step would be to promote the 're-conceptualization of what the studies are in the collective' that can only move from the need to release the research activities of any profit a power of money, politics, religion can get. At the same time, it is still urgent reassess the ideal of promoting social progress or dominating people in our Western societies renders it overly competitive, reluctant friendship and mutual assistance and increasingly insecure and fearful towards otherness, that is characterized or by fear or uncertainty of the future of the immigrant's own young precarious.

It 's more urgent than ever to promote a culture interesting, critical and undisciplined (although a certain discipline is still required) that is able to analyze this a desolate, ruined, and wrong to see in it the hidden root and rhizomatic that moves horizontally across the human history. It sometimes emerges under the sign of an instance libertarian, an impulsive need to claim that weak messianic force dell'incondizionalità of thought, which alone can put question the principle of sovereignty, supremacy, domination as the only possible form of hierarchical direction and organization of collective life.

Matthew Giangrande

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ice Cream Hair Dye Neutral

from December 27 to January 7

15:00 HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY December 27 January 28 15:00 PM
THURSDAY December 30th 15:00 (friendly vs. 94 students)
Jan. 7 Saturday, Jan. 8: Championship CALENZANO - FLORA
Monday January 10 2000 15.00 17.30
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 12 Championship (Recovery) Flora 2000 - SCANDICCI

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How Much Does A Rock Climbing Wall Cost To Rent


even for this we are fast approaching the holiday season, although the general climate
not is very happy and relaxed
of upcoming festivals in all of us creates a thrill of joy and frenzy,
you feel a little bit better, trying to think what will be most welcome gift to our dear,
hours a walk to come up the right idea,
I think that in this period the most important gift
we can do is to return to simple things,
to hear our children, our friends, our parents that we
well and that their neighbors are not just for Christmas but all year round. In our society
GSD Floriagafir and Floria 2000,
try to convey this climate, 365 days a year, we try to
stay close to our children, to make them grow in a healthy
sports where winning is important but it is even more the part;
live in a protected area away from bad company, but the most important
away from the boredom that
is the largest road temptress deviants of our time.
I wish all of you to spend peaceful moments with your loved ones and coming to the field
you to feel at home, between true friends and not as comfortable as
unfortunately is full of life today,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Paul Ricci

Nat Open Xbox Live Sky

FRIDAY, Dec. 24 9.30 Dec. 27 HOURS MONDAY

15:00 PM TUESDAY 15:00
THURSDAY December 28 December 30 15:00 PM

Friday, December 3, 2010

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Conference "In the third millennium there is still a role for religion?" Journey into Silence

Monday, December 6, 2010 17:00 pm at 19:30 , at the 'classroom 11 pole of the Faculty of Humanities of the University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti, will take place on conference entitled "In the third millennium there is still a role for religions ? of Foundation ReligionsFree Pallet and NonCredo bimonthly with the cooperation of the organizational UAAR Circle of Pescara and of 'cultural differences Association.

speakers at the conference:
  • Primiceri Francis, an astrophysicist
  • Luigi Corvaglia, manager pathological addiction ASL Bari
  • Anna Rita Longo , PhD in philology, religions
  • Alessandro Giannandrea , anthropologist existential
be chaired by Dr. Pallet Paul, president of the Foundation ReligionsFree and editor of NonCredo .

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Meeting with
Vania Lucia Gaitan

author of Journey into Silence
pedophile priests and the Faults of the Church

House 3 of Faculty of Humanities G. d'Annunzio of Chieti

- 16.00 -

Vania Lucia Gaitan, a psychologist, originally from Salerno, collaborating since 2006 with the blog's counter Doublethink on which In May 2007, broadcast and subtitled the BBC documentary, Sex Crimes and Vatican . The scoop of the video, seen in Italy for more than five million people, helped to come out dozens of victims of abuse, evidence of which is partly collected in Journey into Silence.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Cineforum Differences - Film and / is the art

Association cultural differences presents, for the 2010-2011 academic year from Friday, October 29, the new film club entitled "The cinema and / is the art ".
will be addressed and discussed in three-block-projections of various aspects of the representative capacity of the medium of film and how this relates to other artistic fields, whether music, painting, literature or-more specifically-the same "creators".

Film and /
Polo is the art of teaching Faculty of Arts,
University G. D'Annunzio of Chieti, Via dei Vestini 31.

Cinema and artists
  • October 29, 2010, a classroom, at 14.00, Copying Beethoven , Agnieszka Holland
  • November 4, 2010, Room 7, 16.00, Love Is The Devil, John Maybury. Speech of Prof. C. Mucci
Cinema and literature
  • November 12, 2010 room, Newspaper, 14.00, The Leopard, by Luchino Visconti
  • November 18, 2010, classroom 7, 16.00, Corpses , Francesco Rosi
  • November 26, 2010, a classroom, at 14.00, Passion of Jean Luc Godard. Speech by prof. G. Lucchetta
  • December 1, 2010, Room 7, 16.00, Eight and half by Federico Fellini. Speech by prof. A. Ardovino

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Paint Color With Red Floor

short massages shiatsu massage as a relaxation 8/erotic-shiatsu-massage-soft-art-1931991

Itchy Feet Stomach Bug


The magic of a massage Un massaggio come lo desideri tu
Imagine lying in a place and in a quiet with a relaxing atmosphere that makes you feel at ease. Picture yourself enveloped in the atmosphere
the soft glow of a candle that emits a delicate fragrance, while in the background you hear a sweet music and relaxing.

start to feel the heat the hands first and then caress you gently touch movements and then with more and more 'long and wide and sliding slowly starting from the neck to the shoulders, back, slipping back and more' Sometimes gently all over your body.
The hands that you give this are surrounded by an oil massage scented
feel and flow without friction on your skin, leaving around you
a pleasant aroma, while a pleasant feeling of well-being
you're spreading you. You're starting to relax, to free yourself from tension, thoughts, stress. This could be

magical atmosphere of a relaxing massage, sensual
or as you wish you

If you'd like to try and live these feelings, if you're a woman
resident or on holiday in Abruzzo , particularly in the provinces of PE, TE, you can contact me
without problems and without commitment. More information about the characteristics of my
massage continue browsing the site.

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Cervix Close Before Period?


traditional relaxing massage for all girls, ladies, women who love or would love to receive a massage on your body, a gentle massage, relaxing, without any involvement of intimate areas and sexual, with the certainty that those who know it will respect this choice, without any forcing, but focusing entirely on relaxation and well-being always with discretion, professionalism and tranquility.


The involvement of other senses such as smell, sight and hearing is important with a very light soft, relaxing background music, while Please use the smell of incense will help to give that right touch of sensuality

A pleasant and relaxing music, the scent sweet and penetrating an 'incense or scented massage oil in the same specially heated further help make the atmosphere pleasant and sensual. Start

so physical contact between the masseur and the person massaged, made of gentle movements and a few brief touch. The objective of this phase will be to accustom the massaged person to physical contact with the hands of the masseur and build a relationship and a relationship of trust between the masseur and massaged.

will continue paying a bit 'of scented oil normally heated on top of the body upon application by gently sweeping movements across the surface of the body in order to soften and moisturize the epidermine preparing to massage.

The hot oil on the body promote relaxation giving immediate pleasurable sensations to the person massaged. Spread the oil

iniziarà the real hand massage from the neck, shoulders made of simple movements and maneuvers, light touches, sweet, short kneading with the aim of putting the person at ease, ease tension and muscle eliminate fatigue states to induce relaxation and abandonment.

Massage can so 'proceed gradually involving other parts of the body of the lumbar region, life, the sides becoming increasingly more confident making movements wide, long and winding.

Here the massage can begin to take on a decidedly more sensual and involving, affecting those areas of the body, erogenous zones because of the pleasant sensations that can give people if properly stimulated.

The buttocks are certainly an important erogenous zone of the female body, massaged properly convey pleasant sensations to the brain causing a state of pleasure.

If there is no opposition to the massage therapist will massage the buttocks originally posted in the traditional way a bit, then made in a more sensual touch, light touch, oscillation, vibration, pressure or small actions that will make a bit more sensual and exciting situation such as versamenento a bit of hot oil at the beginning of the groove of the buttocks, then gently spread inside.

After devoting enough time to massage the buttocks will proceed involving the upper limbs and then the outer and middle of the thighs, first with classical movements in order to encourage blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, and then providing all direct and indirect benefits that a masssaggio Prosecutor in this sensitive area.

Still continuing you will come to massage the inner thighs, the sensitive area, with movements and touches very delicate and sensual. The massage at this point could be even more 'exciting coming to lap groin and decidedly more intimate areas of women.

the line between sensual massage and erotic massage come to qusto point is very weak and there are factors like the feeling, the availability, the degree of excitation, which transmit signals and messages explicitly whether and how to continue the massage, whether involving the ball woman's sexual massage or continue normally.

will conclude with a massage the calves and feet. Even the feet, erogenous zone for many people and important source of pleasure ... will pay specific attention.

After the foot massage can be regarded as completed the first part of massage and you can move immediately or after a short break at the second stage where the woman will be asked to turn around putting in the supine position.

massage can 'shoot the woman lying on her back to belly up, always starting from the upper body and then from the head and face, then go to the upper arms, forearms, arms and hands, continue to the area center of the chest and coming close to the breast, dedicating to it (unless contraindicated) in a very delicate matter.

The massage will go on falling and affecting the bottom before the abdomen with circular movements, kneading, and then involve getting to lick the sides the pubic area.

At this point, the massage can 'be considered concluded, if you like the person massage can' be left quiet a few minutes alone with your partner or perhaps wrapped in a soft blanket to prevent colds.

A nice hot shower, or you can play everyday and resume certainly a more 'relaxed and happy to have spent time for his own pleasure

Friday, September 10, 2010

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breach of Porta Pia

report the release of ' UAAR Pescara:


On September 19, 2010 at 17 in Piazza Primo Maggio UAAR of the club organizes the commemoration of Pescara breach of Porta Pia, an event important historic, but now left by the wayside, for obvious reasons of non-contrast "with the Vatican hierarchy.
participation is important to demonstrate to our leaders that the desire of secularism is more than ever.
will speak from the stage Maurizio Acerbo , Voicemail. prov. Refoundation Communist Enzo Fimiani, historian and director of the Provincial Library of Pescara; of Roberto Masci , Secretary Radicals d'Abruzzo.
will find some material infrmativo gazebo with EU and some member associations.

Roberto Anzellotti
Coord. Circle UAAR


Association Differences adheres to the proposal from UAAR and invites all readers to participate.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hershey's Cocoa Bad For

LLUMINATI .. .. what power are those who have

To introduce the theme of the enlightened, I have decided not to take the information from the web, but not much from a book recente.Credo that this information is more attendibili.Riprenderò part of two chapters of book; We start from the second chapter: "hierarchies and degrees":
"The hierarchy of the Illuminati was divided into two temples with fewer partitions that correspond to the gradual increase of the franchisee.
The first temple, that of preparation, they departed in four levels: Novice, Minerval, less enlightened, and more enlightened, to which three steps are hindered by the three symbolic degrees of Freemasonry, reproduced in full and fairly, and the degree of Knight Scottish director or Enlightened accommodated to the special circumstances of the order.
The second class was divided into small and big mysteries. I embraced the level of small mysteries and that of Priest or Prince Regent, and the great mysteries of the degree and the Magician, or Philosopher-King of Men. Most altimembri, Areopagite, constituted the supreme council.
In all classes and grades, the office was jealous of his brother enlisted, which was to track down and bring the initiates, collecting personal information, maintain and enforce order, which was based obedience, not only on the docility of the affiliates, but on great authority from his superiors from knowing each smallest detail of their lives.
In the early grades began to swear not to operate against the state, religion and customs, studying the lingo of the company and the primary instruction, worked in a special branch of science, which received protection; realized monthly progress made, with sealed letter stating whether he was glad of their immediate driving and what he could do, or had done for the good of the institution. His task was princpale but to study himself and his companions, taking notes sent to the heads, but at the same time unaware that he was guarded by his brother joined the military, which gave him news particolarcggiata to the same school. This mutual union refine the observation to protect the safety of the order, but it was immoral, it becomes an 'incessant spying. superiors demanded even more, not satisfied with the promise of total obedience, they used the written confession, forcing the 'membership of such a kind of autobiography and deposit it in the hands of unknown animals. It was a 'weapon with which they could avenge their weakness and betrayal ....

greater degree of illumination in the rites were referring to a more balanced understanding of Masonic symbols, which was acquired by employees for personal meditation and education .... We have already changed the language required by the principle ;....

in the degree of the Scottish Knight candidate promised to remain faithful to the order, preferring not to any other company ever, secret or overt, not to retreat from the street where he had placed, with absolute freedom of action, the foot, ... The Enlightenment was the place as far superior to the Freemasons, only depository of the secret Masonic and natural religion adultery and rape from the tyranny of priests and the despotism of the princes. But he was still very far from knowing the 'Doctrine of intrinsic company ;....
... Priest in the degree of the candidate learned to hate the properties systematically, as a source of selfishness, laziness, corruption, and to recognize as the only legitimate company of the family, slightly to take into account that the country is a broader family ....

... The candidate saw the collapse of the previous rise building and a new style of unexpected forms of daring. In the early grades had declared that it would respect the throne and the altar, but the throne is shaken, and there is the desire to replace the patriarchal chair, and so the 'altar is made sign of repeated blows. L 'humanism of Jesus is proclaimed; strip thyself from its moral theological involvement, the priestly imposture exposed. The candidate, a priest of a religion story, which sees the official religion of despotism corrupting the work is started and dedicated ...
.. raise the level of Prince Regent or brighten it was very difficult, as whoever gets long and dangerous journey, and had expressly, in the event of death, hiding the previously secret papers which could have at himself. After new details of the masonry, on the great task kept to 'Enlightenment which overlooks the Freemasons and secret societies all waking or direct, serious, and the duties imposed upon the Regent, the franchisee was recognized in its capacity as a free man, which in uninitiated there is only potential, and the Provincial, to prove that his freedom, returned to the beam in the documents concerning him, oaths and promises he had made before going through the stages. "
Chapter 6: "internal organs and propaganda":

Gran task for the rulers: they are the real and immediate superior, since the tutors had decided not to deal with the order of direction, but only of surveillance in their ranks they chose the higher national and provincial assistants, doctors' offices, the presidents, deans, offices for life. A regents poor or impoverished in the office makes provision order, and the various assignments were distributed under the various attitudes, and in what the brothers were to show equanimity, accepting even the most humble ... must meet at least annually a provincial monastery. As teachers study education, the regents studied art to take control of public opinion; and was especially recommended to them of acquiring the reputation of insight, selflessness, integrity, and to show love for things noble and generous, to govern without others being aware of their influence, to take up the defense of the weak against the strong, but always with caution and moderation. Knowing how much can a woman in social life together, it required the ruler to work with it to make it favorable to the plans of 'order and partisan of any idea of \u200b\u200bprogress. The people had to comply with education, with constant kindness, tolerance and prejudice towards those who can not win if you do not gradually. The statutes of the order of a maximum whose galore de'fondatori fine trick reveals the genius, and among other things that the country where the order has great importance in the management of public opinion, it should not disguise its power to arouse envy, enmity, danger, posing instead as influential just where it can in order to get into the reputation ... So the silence, which is recommended in most cases, could in time lead to loquacity aimed to test privacy of others, to disseminate news dates, and so on.

The degree of Regent, as the most jealous, is provided with special education, whose analysis gives us a portrait of the cult alive and breathing. The Regent was the least possible answer under Question of the lower, more thoughtful as the written word. Alert to all the circumstances favorable to 'order, where to use it, connect your projects ... Being required to become a literature all in one sense, there are books and writers against, even resorting to denigration. They rush to the suppression of religious orders , making use of their property in good salaried teachers in the country. It brakes in flattery to the great people, to the king, speak or write another as equals of men of all of us, fruenti of conventional authority and fortune. We prefer to base the propaganda of children in the city industrial and commercial centers, too busy, too inattentive, too awake. Not trasandino inspection trips made by persons eligible.

occultezza The Serbian is in everything and in every way, and will benefit particularly take the form of another secret society. For no other reason behind the order of the three symbolic degrees of Freemasonry . Any excuse is good as long as likely; verosimilissimo and is the object of literary gatherings, philharmonic, merchant, explaining the need for secrecy to tickle the curiosity, inspire more attractive, not to accept just anybody, to avoid the jokes, for hide the weakness of the nascent institution. Import known organization of other secret societies, and in these rulers, after the permission of the provincial, try getting an invitation. Whether it is giving to the moral interests of Regents to acquire voice in schools, academies, curie, printers, libraries and so on.

The prefect is the head of the regents of the prefecture, and has the power to set up eight places in the province of its churches minerval or Masonic lodges. In receptions and promotions have to follow special rules relating to education, attachment, subordination, the secret of the candidate, because young people preferring more docile, and among these the most learned that they can still learn a lot from the order, s'affezioneranno the extent to which the purchased knowledge. With confidentiality s'inizino the rich people and high regard, and the priests not regular, and former Jesuits, the latter of which "are to be avoided like the plague." Avoid the acceptance of principles, and in any case may cease admission to the degree of Scottish knight. Completion of the churches are minerval schools, which must be addressed, especially the looks of the order, often putting more into account to expand and fortify coll'istruzione lodges that same hill. In the culture is put your mind and heart, whose education continues with appropriate readings, lessons in ethics and social philosophy, with school discipline whose benefits will be noticed by the prefect time to time in a special report. The meetings will Reading aloud to give examples of virtuous and vicious judging objectively and impartially; should make the novice and the minerval s'abituassero to consider action in itself, to judge its morality regardless of rank or fortune, not to the difference between the robbers and thieves desperate gilded ...
is recommended to promote attachment with representations or situations that often recall the thoughts of members around the order, which the Catholic imitaione sdegnino the cunning that makes it pleasant and attractive their faith.

minerval Meetings are composed of ten members and no more, breaking and taking turns when the number is higher. Since there are two churches minerval in one place, one does not know the other. None disclose the names of brothers known in other churches and in other meetings with paesi.Si take the good order and decorum. Praise be to promote the prefect place to reside in the establishment of the library, or museum, or other establishment of public utility and should be meeting.

If so required by the prefect you think that you asked the province, which had to be versed in the spirit of 'the same order as if he was the inventor and introducer of the system. Every minute provision was to be his most famous, and it is the education of rulers and local superiors of his conduct was to be exemplary and devoid of any frivolity. Possibly a native of the province was to be, or know this because of a long stay, totally independent of government, maintaining a life of retirement. His election to the incumbent rulers of the province, subject to the approval of the national higher, and could be dismissed by his superiors. When becoming provincial surrender shall be brought before the name of sectarian passing to another, and gets a new nickname by his superiors special. Subject to 'national inspector, however, could claim against him to Primus. His clinics were the natural rulers of the province, to choose two secretaries. Having to warn anyone, he did so by letter signed with the pseudonym Basil, not given to any brother in particular and reserved for such circumstances. Gave licenses to institutions of chapters:

"We elected by the National Grand Lodge Provincial Grand Master to confer respectable brother (aka brother) faculty to establish secret chapter of the holy Scottish Freemasonry, cultivating the art of real mercy of Masonic lodges' three symbolic degrees. "Especially

no nepotism in the province, no spirit of faction, no weakness towards insubordination. Implying good and successful with the order and happiness with the progress of mankind, was to make everything to order and nothing without it.

Who does not see the power that the Illuminati would buy if they have lasted? If they chose land best suited to their operations, and the August Bavaria, whose government had already shown hostility to any reform? If they had just aimed to spread in France? If they had lost valuable time in completing the ritual? If within those organizations were not penetrated the jealousies and problems?
This company, which had compact body and guiding principles, some of which are already out of fashion, and then received by the multitudes, he seemed destined to survive to all those who were vying for domination of Germany, and instead it was the first to fall victim to suspicion of the courts and the Jesuit ire.
Bavaria had spread to corporations Frateschi, and much you could the Jesuits, those against and those against it also ordered the sect, and Jesuit Weishaupt adopted forms to better fight the enemy, but the reaction, more advertisements, more harmonious, more rapid in his movements, the anticipated riding the new sectarians, who found themselves one day with no head, and discovered what is worse, derided. What
DIEES, Mirabeau, who made honorable testimony to the Illuminati in his classic work on the kingdom of Prussia, came to Berlin to start, and back in France, speaking of this change, as many others, dififuse knowledge and desire. Even Bode, who had succeeded, as we said, to Weishaupt, was in Paris in 1787, and formed attorno una piccola chiesa formata da uomini illustri, il duca d'Orléans, il principe Talleyrand, Condorcet, Brissot, Grégoire..."
Fonte:"Il mondo seceto"Di Giovanni de Castro.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

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text of the manifesto of the little monsters ...

There’s something heroic about the way my fans operate their cameras so precisely, so intricately, and so proudly. Like kings writing the history of their people.
Its their prolific nature that both creates and procures what will later be perceived as the “kingdom”. So, the real truth about Lady Gaga fans my little monsters lies in this sentence: They are the kings, they are the queens; they write the history of the kingdom, and I am something of a devoted jester.
It is in the theory of perception that we have established our bond, or the lie, I should say, for which we kill. We are nothing without our image, without our projection, without the spiritual hologram of who we perceive ourselves to be, or rather to become in the future.
When you are lonely, Ill be lonely, too.
…and this is The Fame, [Manifesto of Little Monster, lyrics]

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Prewiew Gaga concerts .. Occult Esoteric

Su youtube ho trovato alcuni video interessanti che riguardano le perwiew dei concerti della gaga..non ho ancora trovato il modo di caricarli,apparte "little monster ball"(si trova nella barra in fondo blogs). In this video the Gaga says at one point ".. the kings and queens write the history of the kingdom, I'm just a kind of pious fool .." a clear reference to the control mentale.Il video it's very inquietante.Poi look "preview lady gaga the brain" where you brush your hair back with a man who repeats her hair still looks like a robot.Poi gaga .. and look for "new monster lady gaga the parenthesis Exorcist" to see it with your legs on the contrary, a girl who vomited on the blue crap (I've heard that it is his sister and that is the "Old Lady Gaga") and then to see her repeatedly bites a bleeding heart ... there are many others, try to see them all simply as "Lady Gaga interlude" (on youtube among the suggestions). They are really impressive and too espliciti.Bisogna peche worry about the younger generation take it as an idol that has created a culture, this is pericoloso.Un thing is to music, another is to contribute to plagiarize minds easily influenced.
What meanings for these videos? Them in some cases there is no sense, in others there are explicit references to practices at all ortodosse.Aspetto forward to hearing your opinions ...

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This word means "all that is known by a few people that can not be publicly disclosed."
The occult is something mysterious, secret, occult. Associated with it is the "Glyph" or "symbol" (Archetype) a form of cryptic language known only to the chosen few who use it for their own purposes secrets. So, in fact, the occult is a way to exert power over someone. Especially on the novice approaching these dangerous falsehoods without making serious documented. Unfortunately, on earth there are plenty of these subjects.
Chi exercises the real power? The 'initiates'. That is, the chosen few who have been admitted to knowledge. Beneath these there are all those currents that are controlled to keep the "people" slave of selfish desires and superstitious rites. These are the prelates of some particular religion or magic, like astrologers, fortune tellers, sorcerers and magicians of all kinds.

They have a great power against others who are often frail, vulnerable, in crisis, in difficulties. They are people who are going through a critical time in their lives, looking for instant answers to your questions or solutions to their problems.
The occultist says, "I have the power to heal. I have the magic filter that will allow you to find the love you're looking for. " Or: "Through the reading of the paper can help you know your destiny." Or: "This amulet has immense power and will change your life completely. " Or again: "I can get in touch with the spirit of your brother, who died last summer in a car accident.

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esotericism begins with the origin of human races, with the origin of languages, and has its own history and archeology. It has its own language, which, in turn, has been encoded and encrypted in various cultures and civilizations (Egyptian hieroglyphics, Sanskrit, Hebrew Kabbalah, esoteric Arabic, animism, shamanism, etc.).. In any current mystery of all cultures, each knows the keys to the transcendent and translates the messages to the initiated. So the gods ancient knowledge of the original donors "are taking shape, nor are most of the myths or simple images, but" address for life, thought, goals. " Becoming the inner forces that drive people into their lives and that lead to choices, desires, achievements, creations, etc. powers. Those same invisible forces that control directly and indirectly, the ways of man.

Knowledge bestowed by the gods to man, is lost in the mists of time and has been handed down only by mythological references. The obscurity or "science of Hermes" (Trismegistos) refers to the revelation of the Egyptian god Thoth (Hermes-Thoth in Hellenized), which became a cultural archetype of the god of all initiatives. An archetype is "a living thought," something which can be found in a glyph, a sculpture, an image, a thought. What does this mean? It becomes a "pole" of attraction, like a magnet in our unconscious, which generates in us and attracts a desire, memory, language, a current of thought. But most attract them ... the dark forces.

The Philosophers and Alchemists have always delighted in hiding in the poems, fairy tales, the musical works, the paintings, sculptures, and in various texts ... Teaching the secrets of alchemy. But history is a continuous series of courses and resorts .. is really true: "There is nothing new under the sun "!

Unfortunately this happens even today in our modern and golden (?) Technocratic civilization. We find the symbols emetics in every screen, via television, the icons on computers, mobile phones by the symbols in the characters and situations in video games, virtual environments to live a "second life", etc.. etc.. Everything is
"Glyph" and "archetype" in the same time. Magic and language are used without the initiation majority understands what "law" when looking at those very symbols which become part of his mind-consciousness.

All we are immersed in a sea of \u200b\u200btight input that are not perceived or understood by rational mind. But they talk about individual and collective unconscious, leaving their cryptic message like a virus to become weakened and corrupted by ego consciousness. And just like a retro-viruses act due to the host organism into believing that the thoughts and the choices are only the result of their intelligence, their choices, their own will.

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Lady Gaga suspect .. .. Success Alejandro

Lady Gaga is now more than a singer, has become a cultural phenomenon, and anything you say-do-wear becomes the subject of furious debate in the media around the world. For its part, seems GaGa mettercisi commitment to wear more and more extravagant outfits and accessories provocateurs who can not go unnoticed, so that on the eve of each of his performances that will feature sull'outfit curiosity is palpable both in the living room television as the fashion-blogs. In addition, rumors of an alleged transsexuality that you do not even dream of denying, feeding the media fuss that surrounds it. In short, whether you love or hate it, you can not help but talk about Lady Gaga.

success suspicion
All this attention about his character, however, is at least unexpected, given that prior to overflowing the hit single Just Dance, Joanne Stefani Angelina Germanotta was unknown un'emerita that she performed in burlesque club in New York while writing pieces for the likes of Britney Spears, Pussycat Dolls and Fergie. It seems that it was the rapper Akon to recognize his musical potential and to suggest to his label, Interscope, to get out of the shadows. His sudden success has sparked the imagination of many bloggers, analyzing his videos and performances, came to the conclusion that Lady Gaga is a puppet in the hands of the Illuminati, whose WOULD BE using to take control of the minds of its fans.
The CIA project MKULTRA and
We start from the beginning: it is said that in the 70s the CIA was working on a secret project on the control of the mind, called MK-ULTRA. Many psychologists and scientists, sometimes unwittingly, contributed to study methods of controlling the mind through drug use and manipulation of mental states to alter the perception. In particular, the legend about a further development of the project, called Project Monarch, which was designed to reprogram the human brain through three stages, comparable with the three life stages of the butterfly, the caterpillar first, that the brain was normal, then the bug, or the brain drained and ready to be reprogrammed, and then the butterfly, as new life after the brain has been reprogrammed. Lady Gaga
But what does?
first analyze the pseudonym chosen by Germanotta "gaga" means "feeling and mental, lightheadedness, confusion," is also the simplest word of English, it is usually the first sound they make when children begin to speak. This relates to the manipulation and the "rebirth" of mind after being cleared and reprogrammed. Moreover, she claims to have been inspired by the song "Radio Gaga" by Queen, whose video contains scenes from the 1927 film Metropolis, the film tells the story of a woman choosing to give birth to a robot, a figure often interpreted GaGa from her videos and in perfect metaphor for the mind control, because a robot does what it is programmed and does not have a brain. The eye
Another figure of Lady Gaga's style is eye covered, that the effect of the mysterious or mere habit, may be a reference to the eye omnivedente, one of the most recognizable symbols of the Illuminati . The origin of this symbol dates back to the ancient Egyptians, the god Horus had his right eye white to represent the sun and left black to represent the moon in a fight with the evil brother, Seth, who lost his left eye was replaced by the magic of the god Thoth. Since then the left eye represents the magic and rebirth. And, coincidentally, in almost all his videos Gaga covers his left eye.
The demon Baphomet and the pyramids
Moreover, in many outfits chosen by the singer you can find references to the iconography on the demon Baphomet, the horns often shows off the scene, the clothes with the demon wings. Many costumes are also built using the pyramid as a constituent element, another well-known Masonic symbol, and often on stage, not too hidden, it is easy to find some eye omnivedente worn by dancers. Paparazzi

also analyzing her videos you can see an escalation of symbolism, which culminates in the video for Paparazzi: Gaga is the first one thrown from the balcony lover in search of fame (brain drained) but then recovers and, at first almost fully dressed and aided by crutches (brain, which is re-educated) back to life, getting rid of clothes and crutches as (re-educated brain, rebirth of the throttle). In the last scene even seen sitting pretty quiet blankly together at the same figure at the beginning of the video tried to kill her. Then kills him. If this is not manipulation of the mind! Telephone

The last video of Lady Gaga, Telephone, was released recently but has already sparked numerous controversies. This is an actual short film that sees a prisoner in jail for "whores", for then be freed by Beyoncé Thelma and Louise-style, after which the two make a robbery at a diner, killing all customers with the poisoned food. The final scene sees the two dance only covered American flags among the corpses of their victims. A little 'disturbanteper a pop video, is not it? The film, needless to say, is the same as Paparazzi: Jonas Åkerlund. Gaga said E! to be excited about how the director has succeeded in giving a new meaning to a song, analyzed down to earth, speaks of being dumped by phone while in a nightclub and did not field. In the video, among other headgear s style by the singer, there is one in which a receiver made of hair covering his left eye ... a symbol of his brain no longer receives calls but answer?!

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last part

The video opens with the men on the march, some of them have their heads covered by suggesting that these men are prisoners. One of the men in a pyramid shape, while another holds in his hands a hexagram, marching as prisoners. This is a representation of the masses that keep pace with the elite and the symbols show off? The

Gaga is then taken up in a position of power, with a crown black of the "enlightened" while watching the prisoners before their execution.

The "black queen" break the glasses at a time, all-knowing eye glaring sign (which has been discussed in numerous articles), revealing the true nature of his power.

In this scene, the Gaga wears a "bra gun," in accordance with the Illuminati plan to clear any form of sexual perversion. His dancers are dressed in uniforms reminiscent of fascist dictatorships in the era of Hitler, Mussolini and Franco. L 'political oppression is really sexy ... oh wait, no, it's not ... it goes against everything that America (and Italy eg.:) presumably believes.

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In a symbolic scene, a soldier is shown attached to strings like a puppet. He has no control of his movements and keep a gun in intimate areas (sex / weapons). He watches without understanding, as one that has been brainwashed.

In what seems like an internment camp Gaga tied to a gay bed while she is raping them, in what looks like a re-enactment of a ritual abuse.

In the final scene of the video, GaGa is shown attached to strings. It is checked herself in taking forward the agenda of the Illuminati?

CONCLUSION As stated above, the video of Alejandro is very complex and symbolic, lends itself to multiple interpretations, depending on the viewer's knowledge and his point of view. There are, however, parts of the video in which the symbolism is clear and concise, leaving little doubt regarding the message being communicated. During the video, Lady Gaga goes through a metamorphosis very deep, rejecting the Christian faith and its symbols desecration embracing a new kind of spirituality.

Gaga's transformation is a representation of the transformation that is happening worldwide? The members of the Elite, which was thought religions were part of "regular" are revealing their true selves Lucifer to the public? The New World Order seppelirà traditional religions to embrace a new kind of spirituality?

Whatever the case, as this video is intended to disseminate the collective unconscious a particular set of symbols and values \u200b\u200bthat will become, over time, "part of our culture." To achieve this, charismatic figures who are admired by public were used to make these messages cool and trendy. Music fans have been subjected to a strong creative drought in past years, leading them to the desperate search for a new icon eccentric. So Lady Gaga enters the scene and away some painfully formulaic music ready to be elected new princess of pop. In his songs you drag even the shadow of the enlightened and bangs in his face to his young fans of the symbols of their oppression.

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Explanation Alejandro Alejandro

"That I know we are young. May
And I know you love me.
But I just can not be with you like this anymore,
Alejandro. "

The video begins with a funeral procession. Gaga wears a black veil and holds the Sacred Heart, the bleeding heart of God for humanity. Something inside has died and a Gaga seems to be his love for Alejandro.

Who is Alejandro? A gay guy who does not may be with Gaga? A man who is cheating with Roberto and Fernando? The song is not entirely clear. The images of the video, however, tell viewers that Alejandro could stand for something deeper.

In a later scene, Gaga is taken, relaxed, wearing a red dress as a nun in latex with a rosary in his hand.

Looking into the sky says: "Stop, please, just let me go." Then, just when he says "Alejandro", raises his hands to the sky. In this context, we can say that Alejandro could very well be God

But why the name Alejandro? The letters in this name might give some clue. The first Alejandro letter is "A" last letter "O" ... the Alpha and Omega of Revelation, the beginning and end of everything. In other words, Alejandro is the name of the god to whom the Gaga is referring to.

"She Hides true love
en su Bolsillo SL.
She's got a halo 'round her finger,
Around You. "

The circle around your finger is a wedding ring and Alejandro has a halo around him, which means it is considered" sacred. " The wedding ring represents the union between Gaga and God through religion, but now he is ashamed of this matrimonio.Nasconde Gaga the ring in his Bolsillo SL, the English word for box / bag.

The concept of waste is then applied to God, because he does not seem to meet the spiritual needs of Gaga. He then decided to seek the gods on their own, embracing a new kind of spirituality. The nun became a priestess Luciferian.

Priestess of Lucifer hide one eye as a sign of loyalty or control of the Illuminati


Gaga The suit contains many of the inverted cross. This is extremely significant in a symbolic language. The cross is a symbol of the Christian faith as it represents the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the resurrection. In Christianity, the cross upside down is known as the "Cross of St. Peter," in honor of Simon Peter, who asked to be crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to be put to death in the same field of Christ.

In non-Christians, however, the reversal of the cross represents the perversion and desecration of what it symbolizes. For this reason, the symbols are reversed in black magic and Satanism.

"In symbolism, an inverted figure always signifies a perverted power (...) The black magic is not a fundamental art, is the abuse of art. So has its symbols. Takes verbatim the symbols of white magic, and then reversing, the opposite meaning from them. "

The inverted cross, placed on potato Lady Gaga, becomes a phallic symbol. Stacked and combined with his genitalia female, the theme of androgyny becomes dominant. In occult circles, the alchemical transformation of spiritual matters, the Grand Opera, must unite the two opposite energies.


The rosary is a set of balls used in the Catholic tradition of prayer and meditation. By swallowing the beads, Gaga incorporates within itself a symbol of religious devotion, the reasons:

1) is shocking and would media attention

2) Lady Gaga is trying to reach the level of divinity itself.

We have here a symbolic representation of the cornerstones of Luciferianesimo, whose idea of \u200b\u200bdivinity achieve independently. Lucifer is considered the active ingredient to the gods, who brought "divine light" to humans.

Later in the video, Lady Gaga is violently pushed and abused by the dancers around her. Gives up and takes off her robe for the ritual of initiation.

At the end of the video, GaGa is consumed from within and his "inner light" comes out, to represent its transformation spiritual.

Gaga's performance to 'American Idol has really exploited the theme song of Lucifer.

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Lady Gaga .. meaning ..

Alejandro, the new video for Lady Gaga has caused quite a stir with the blasphemy that is referenced. However, many people are asking: What is the meaning of the song and what message the video attempts to convey? This article examines the occult symbols used in Alejandro comunicarci.Così to understand what he wants, by show of hands, who foresaw that in the video, a group of Nazi soldiers raped gay Lady Gaga, first listening to Alejandro? Ok ... a person. One patient, a disturbed person. As was the case with Bad Romance and Telephone, the video of Alejandro adds another layer of interpretation to the song, giving the words a deeper meaning.

The video takes place in a setting cold and dark, Orwellian if we are, graphics, video is clearly contrary to the Latin beat of the song. There are other opposites collide and merge into the video: good versus evil, male against female and domination against the submission. The religious symbolism, as well as adding the factor "shock" necessary to get people talking, the song from a specific spiritual connotation. The video

Alejandro is very symbolic and is subject to multiple interpretations. For example, I read an interpretation of the video, like in the video claims that Gaga was careful to emphasize that the submission is subject to the gay community against the Catholic church. This interpretation may have some validity, but ignores many important aspects of the video. Other observers seem to believe that all videos with religious images are "tributes to Madonna." This is an astute observation, but does not explain anything. Besides the possible tribute to Madonna, the symbolism of the video tells a story of rejection and spiritual metamorphosis taking place in the context of an oppressive police state.


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subliminal message

After a search a little deeper, I found that subliminal messages (not directly perceived by the brain) are present in movies, music, and especially in televisione.Sono of various types (auditory visual, ..) and would be prohibited by law, vito that have proved effective in trials.
I found a very nice site that explains them all in a clear and simple ..
here's the link:

Monday, July 5, 2010

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Gaga Continuing the discussion ..

You know the film Metropolis in 1926? It is a silent, black and white, very interesting where the futuristic society is divided between the few who govern and the class operaia.Maria, a beautiful and good girl who has taken on a lot of workers are kidnapped and dall'èllite is "cloned" in the body of a robot.Tutto maria in order to control and corrupt workers . The false starts coportarsi Mary as a prostitute, deceiving the workers that there are no real problemi.Apparte that lady gaga, Beyonce and Rihanna have performed in costumes similar to that robot, but the Gaga also copied the hairstyle and sometimes it looks really a robot ..! gaga Think about it ... could be a way to distract from real problems, a puppet that dances and sings on command, controlled by those who have blurred vision ... it takes you link a great site .. .


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I want to clarify this, innanzitutto.Qui can talk freely all over the arguments of titolo.Mi'd like to figure out if the Illuminati really exist and if we control, including subliminal messages (there are many different types, we will also talk about that)
To begin, one of the latest news, the article on Lady GaGa "the puppet of the Illuminati" 10/lady-gaga-la-marionetta-degli-illuminati /
Unfortunately I think it's all true .. it is undeniable that there is something planned. forte.E The symbolism is very likely the whole industry Music is controlled, such as television.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

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Assembly of Philosophy

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Assembly of Philosophy
a plenary of the Faculty of Humanities G. d'Annunzio of Chieti

- 16.00 -

Students and teachers will meet to discuss the precarious situation of the degree course in Philosophy at risk of closure.