Monday, September 14, 2009

Harvey Levin Tmz Straw


[Note: for the reading of the following is recommended a deep breath].

The cultural association founded in the University Differences G. d'Annunzio University of Chieti, as a manifestation of dissatisfaction - discuss the fee with the reality - of some students of the degree course in philosophy, a feeling which has contributed to the realization of the "placid" academic environment.

To define the object of that dissatisfaction is important to clarify the basic idea that drove the founders to refine its sensitivity faced with certain situations, namely the belief that it is necessary to become an active part of their education to make up for a failure of the education system: it does not respect the autonomy of knowledge which should always be critical even to himself because free from any initial condition (a condition that needs to research that is marked by its own time), but tends to satisfy the "market demand", with the result even if the same within fixed limits. More than freedom and democracy, the dominant institutions want to teach obedience, subordination and marginalization . It follows that in the university individuals become spare parts (which, by definition, are all the same and completely interchangeable), rather than each constitute an irreplaceable part of a whole which has much to gain from the particularity of each component.

The principle of the initiative is the bearer is to conceive the university as the real place where thoughts can develop at all. Dewey, who believed that the reforms in education could be in themselves of the levers of social change that could pave the way towards a more just and free society, he argued that "the ultimate goal of education is not the production of goods but that of free human beings associated with one another on equal terms. " The fundamental characteristic of this thought the university is the serenity to cultivate and bring into play, constantly nourished in a critical way better because it peculiar.
"Differences" in this perspective, bring attention and reflection for students, but not limited to, the announcement of various forms of cultural material. Does not privilege issues concerning one aspect of knowledge, as, for example, philosophical, and try to make use of an increasingly wide range of modes.

The proposed initiatives offer more opportunity, which he felt the need to enrich their cultural interests: the "difference" is precious, and its value is directly proportional to the extent that it is subject to a analysis. They also constitute an actual moment of meeting between individuals who follow different paths of study, which presents the opportunity to discover a fundamental dialogue that is often put aside because of the study of books, yet important and precludes 's universities no longer be lived as the place where "bring" the knowledge, but a place to quickly cross from one side to attend to their own affairs as soon as possible. Despite

initial difficulties due to lack of experience, the association has shown activity after a few months after its creation, and intends to further its work during the next academic year. Recently, in fact, it presented to the University Theatine the proposal to organize an event, identified as Memory Week, during which, the common threads running through town on the Jewish Holocaust, it discusses some of the issues negatively characterize our age and, most importantly, it must be remembered relegating them to a mere minute of clock. In May 2009 he made a match, thanks to collaboration with the circle UAAR Pescara on the concept of Materia with Professor Carlo Tamagnone. Among the goals is also the planning of events "lighter" but no less profound, like a film club that includes the screening of films united by the theme of "power", of which the intervention of some teachers will develop the various points of view , in the example of a projection on the figure of the philosopher Giordano Bruno of which the association has already been promoting concerning secularism. On this occasion, thanks to the contribution of Prof. Nicoletta Twice, it was possible to discuss a topic on which it is customary not reflect the extent appropriate. Furthermore, considering the presence of one of the best in Chieti School of Medicine, will widen the spectrum of interest to the field of "bioethics and scientific research" aimed at conferences and meetings.

Cultural Association Differences feels the need to catch and raise, beyond what may be the closure of the neoconservative religious in nature and fideistic, the project, by some considered to be "sold out" of modernity, with all its office emancipatory. We believe that the story is not over, and with it the great discourses of modernity. We must, now more than ever, back in vogue enlightenment, the project of emancipation of humanity through reason, not abandon it, and slipped into oblivion. This does not imply that aspiration to return to transparency at such a utopian view of history which is, finally, not dogma and the greatest weakness of the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century and all those political and economic movements that it has inherited the "spirit." Although the project of Enlightenment appears to most of the institutions unfinished, it is a job open indefinitely, always ahead, always moving. We are on the move.
And the movement, becoming, it also symbolized The logo of the Association: the Heraclitean fire. It underlines the importance, even today, thought dell'efesino: the world is made of opposites, and each pair of opposites "you can make a unity", this law is universal because it is the reason for the underlying unity of this world order, "" the most important reason for the unity of opposites is in a constant tension or conflict. "
from all things, all "different from each other," irreducibly singular and in the making, the diversity of the world total is joined by the unity of the Logos, Fire. This is the result Aristotle's teaching, "things can only differ in what they have in common that they differ." It 'also important to collect the outcomes of ethics - that this policy carries with it teaching at a time when intolerance and revulsion against the other seem to have monopolized the consciences of many. The thought of

differences is their protection, a source vital to pursue a culture of respect and peaceful coexistence "between their uniqueness and different." The knowledge comes from observing the differences, our differences of language feeds, the very structure of reality is consists of differences. Our ability to "seize them and know how to bring" can contribute to greater awareness to our surroundings. E 'need to think about the "difference" as Simone Weil said, not only to think things separately, but to think thoughts they think separately.
It concludes by quoting a passage from a lecture by Jacques Derrida, a great contemporary philosopher of "differance", held June 3, 1999 at the University of Athens Pantion the occasion of the conferment of honorary degrees:
"Only in what symbolizes the University today, you can work calmly and dramatically on these crucial but difficult issues and thinking. The unconditional nature of thought, one that should find its place in the University or his example, you can recognize where, in the name of freedom, calling into question the principle of sovereignty as a principle of power. Questioned terrible and abysmal, not ignore. Why the thought then, what is his place of freedom, is without power. This is un'incondizionalità without sovereignty, that is at the bottom of a freedom without power. But without power does not mean "without force." And here, quietly, stealthily, perhaps another border is crossed, the border and enter at the same time withstanding the passage, the barely visible border between the unconditional of thought (I think the universal vocation of the University and the "Humanities" in-come) and the sovereignty of power, all powers, theological-political power even in its democratic national figures, the economic and military power, media power, etc.. The statement I'm talking about is a principle of resistance or dissent: no power, but without weakness. Without power, but not without force, even if only a certain power of weakness. Rather than retreat behind secure borders of a field, an innocent and protected by campus authorities invisible, this thought University shall prepare, with all his might, a new strategy and a new policy, new thinking of politics. And political accountability. This is done by allies in the world, inside and outside Europe, with all the forces that do not confuse criticism with the enslavement of sovereignty, nor with the voluntary servitude, on the contrary. "

Urging the courage to use his own intelligence beyond any principle of power, a thought unconditional, other and different: this is the nature of our effort to understand the world, to live in it.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Homemade Boat Motor From Weed Eater

Differences on Facebook

Differences The association provides its own colony on the largest social network out there. Here is the link to the page, sign up!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Marine Btu Calculator

Meeting of Different

Friday, September 11, 2009 at 14:00 at the studio room above the classroom at the first floor of the building (secretary) of Arts, members of the Association Differences will meet to receive and discuss plans for the new academic year and beyond.

Hopefully your active participation.

Meeting of Different
Friday, September 11, 2009 at 14
University G. D'Annunzio of Chieti, Via dei Vestini 31