Su youtube ho trovato alcuni video interessanti che riguardano le perwiew dei concerti della gaga..non ho ancora trovato il modo di caricarli,apparte "little monster ball"(si trova nella barra in fondo blogs). In this video the Gaga says at one point ".. the kings and queens write the history of the kingdom, I'm just a kind of pious fool .." a clear reference to the control mentale.Il video it's very inquietante.Poi look "preview lady gaga the brain" where you brush your hair back with a man who repeats her hair still looks like a robot.Poi gaga .. and look for "new monster lady gaga the parenthesis Exorcist" to see it with your legs on the contrary, a girl who vomited on the blue crap (I've heard that it is his sister and that is the "Old Lady Gaga") and then to see her repeatedly bites a bleeding heart ... there are many others, try to see them all simply as "Lady Gaga interlude" (on youtube among the suggestions). They are really impressive and too espliciti.Bisogna peche worry about the younger generation take it as an idol that has created a culture, this is pericoloso.Un thing is to music, another is to contribute to plagiarize minds easily influenced.
What meanings for these videos? Them in some cases there is no sense, in others there are explicit references to practices at all ortodosse.Aspetto forward to hearing your opinions ...
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