To introduce the theme of the enlightened, I have decided not to take the information from the web, but not much from a book recente.Credo that this information is more attendibili.Riprenderò part of two chapters of book; We start from the second chapter: "hierarchies and degrees":
"The hierarchy of the Illuminati was divided into two temples with fewer partitions that correspond to the gradual increase of the franchisee.
The first temple, that of preparation, they departed in four levels: Novice, Minerval, less enlightened, and more enlightened, to which three steps are hindered by the three symbolic degrees of Freemasonry, reproduced in full and fairly, and the degree of Knight Scottish director or Enlightened accommodated to the special circumstances of the order.
The second class was divided into small and big mysteries. I embraced the level of small mysteries and that of Priest or Prince Regent, and the great mysteries of the degree and the Magician, or Philosopher-King of Men. Most altimembri, Areopagite, constituted the supreme council.
In all classes and grades, the office was jealous of his brother enlisted, which was to track down and bring the initiates, collecting personal information, maintain and enforce order, which was based obedience, not only on the docility of the affiliates, but on great authority from his superiors from knowing each smallest detail of their lives.
In the early grades began to swear not to operate against the state, religion and customs, studying the lingo of the company and the primary instruction, worked in a special branch of science, which received protection; realized monthly progress made, with sealed letter stating whether he was glad of their immediate driving and what he could do, or had done for the good of the institution. His task was princpale but to study himself and his companions, taking notes sent to the heads, but at the same time unaware that he was guarded by his brother joined the military, which gave him news particolarcggiata to the same school. This mutual union refine the observation to protect the safety of the order, but it was immoral, it becomes an 'incessant spying. superiors demanded even more, not satisfied with the promise of total obedience, they used the written confession, forcing the 'membership of such a kind of autobiography and deposit it in the hands of unknown animals. It was a 'weapon with which they could avenge their weakness and betrayal ....
greater degree of illumination in the rites were referring to a more balanced understanding of Masonic symbols, which was acquired by employees for personal meditation and education .... We have already changed the language required by the principle ;....
in the degree of the Scottish Knight candidate promised to remain faithful to the order, preferring not to any other company ever, secret or overt, not to retreat from the street where he had placed, with absolute freedom of action, the foot, ... The Enlightenment was the place as far superior to the Freemasons, only depository of the secret Masonic and natural religion adultery and rape from the tyranny of priests and the despotism of the princes. But he was still very far from knowing the 'Doctrine of intrinsic company ;....
... Priest in the degree of the candidate learned to hate the properties systematically, as a source of selfishness, laziness, corruption, and to recognize as the only legitimate company of the family, slightly to take into account that the country is a broader family ....
... The candidate saw the collapse of the previous rise building and a new style of unexpected forms of daring. In the early grades had declared that it would respect the throne and the altar, but the throne is shaken, and there is the desire to replace the patriarchal chair, and so the 'altar is made sign of repeated blows. L 'humanism of Jesus is proclaimed; strip thyself from its moral theological involvement, the priestly imposture exposed. The candidate, a priest of a religion story, which sees the official religion of despotism corrupting the work is started and dedicated ...
.. raise the level of Prince Regent or brighten it was very difficult, as whoever gets long and dangerous journey, and had expressly, in the event of death, hiding the previously secret papers which could have at himself. After new details of the masonry, on the great task kept to 'Enlightenment which overlooks the Freemasons and secret societies all waking or direct, serious, and the duties imposed upon the Regent, the franchisee was recognized in its capacity as a free man, which in uninitiated there is only potential, and the Provincial, to prove that his freedom, returned to the beam in the documents concerning him, oaths and promises he had made before going through the stages. "
Chapter 6: "internal organs and propaganda":
Gran task for the rulers: they are the real and immediate superior, since the tutors had decided not to deal with the order of direction, but only of surveillance in their ranks they chose the higher national and provincial assistants, doctors' offices, the presidents, deans, offices for life. A regents poor or impoverished in the office makes provision order, and the various assignments were distributed under the various attitudes, and in what the brothers were to show equanimity, accepting even the most humble ... must meet at least annually a provincial monastery. As teachers study education, the regents studied art to take control of public opinion; and was especially recommended to them of acquiring the reputation of insight, selflessness, integrity, and to show love for things noble and generous, to govern without others being aware of their influence, to take up the defense of the weak against the strong, but always with caution and moderation. Knowing how much can a woman in social life together, it required the ruler to work with it to make it favorable to the plans of 'order and partisan of any idea of \u200b\u200bprogress. The people had to comply with education, with constant kindness, tolerance and prejudice towards those who can not win if you do not gradually. The statutes of the order of a maximum whose galore de'fondatori fine trick reveals the genius, and among other things that the country where the order has great importance in the management of public opinion, it should not disguise its power to arouse envy, enmity, danger, posing instead as influential just where it can in order to get into the reputation ... So the silence, which is recommended in most cases, could in time lead to loquacity aimed to test privacy of others, to disseminate news dates, and so on.
The degree of Regent, as the most jealous, is provided with special education, whose analysis gives us a portrait of the cult alive and breathing. The Regent was the least possible answer under Question of the lower, more thoughtful as the written word. Alert to all the circumstances favorable to 'order, where to use it, connect your projects ... Being required to become a literature all in one sense, there are books and writers against, even resorting to denigration. They rush to the suppression of religious orders , making use of their property in good salaried teachers in the country. It brakes in flattery to the great people, to the king, speak or write another as equals of men of all of us, fruenti of conventional authority and fortune. We prefer to base the propaganda of children in the city industrial and commercial centers, too busy, too inattentive, too awake. Not trasandino inspection trips made by persons eligible.
occultezza The Serbian is in everything and in every way, and will benefit particularly take the form of another secret society. For no other reason behind the order of the three symbolic degrees of Freemasonry . Any excuse is good as long as likely; verosimilissimo and is the object of literary gatherings, philharmonic, merchant, explaining the need for secrecy to tickle the curiosity, inspire more attractive, not to accept just anybody, to avoid the jokes, for hide the weakness of the nascent institution. Import known organization of other secret societies, and in these rulers, after the permission of the provincial, try getting an invitation. Whether it is giving to the moral interests of Regents to acquire voice in schools, academies, curie, printers, libraries and so on.
The prefect is the head of the regents of the prefecture, and has the power to set up eight places in the province of its churches minerval or Masonic lodges. In receptions and promotions have to follow special rules relating to education, attachment, subordination, the secret of the candidate, because young people preferring more docile, and among these the most learned that they can still learn a lot from the order, s'affezioneranno the extent to which the purchased knowledge. With confidentiality s'inizino the rich people and high regard, and the priests not regular, and former Jesuits, the latter of which "are to be avoided like the plague." Avoid the acceptance of principles, and in any case may cease admission to the degree of Scottish knight. Completion of the churches are minerval schools, which must be addressed, especially the looks of the order, often putting more into account to expand and fortify coll'istruzione lodges that same hill. In the culture is put your mind and heart, whose education continues with appropriate readings, lessons in ethics and social philosophy, with school discipline whose benefits will be noticed by the prefect time to time in a special report. The meetings will Reading aloud to give examples of virtuous and vicious judging objectively and impartially; should make the novice and the minerval s'abituassero to consider action in itself, to judge its morality regardless of rank or fortune, not to the difference between the robbers and thieves desperate gilded ...
is recommended to promote attachment with representations or situations that often recall the thoughts of members around the order, which the Catholic imitaione sdegnino the cunning that makes it pleasant and attractive their faith.
minerval Meetings are composed of ten members and no more, breaking and taking turns when the number is higher. Since there are two churches minerval in one place, one does not know the other. None disclose the names of brothers known in other churches and in other meetings with paesi.Si take the good order and decorum. Praise be to promote the prefect place to reside in the establishment of the library, or museum, or other establishment of public utility and should be meeting.
If so required by the prefect you think that you asked the province, which had to be versed in the spirit of 'the same order as if he was the inventor and introducer of the system. Every minute provision was to be his most famous, and it is the education of rulers and local superiors of his conduct was to be exemplary and devoid of any frivolity. Possibly a native of the province was to be, or know this because of a long stay, totally independent of government, maintaining a life of retirement. His election to the incumbent rulers of the province, subject to the approval of the national higher, and could be dismissed by his superiors. When becoming provincial surrender shall be brought before the name of sectarian passing to another, and gets a new nickname by his superiors special. Subject to 'national inspector, however, could claim against him to Primus. His clinics were the natural rulers of the province, to choose two secretaries. Having to warn anyone, he did so by letter signed with the pseudonym Basil, not given to any brother in particular and reserved for such circumstances. Gave licenses to institutions of chapters:
"We elected by the National Grand Lodge Provincial Grand Master to confer respectable brother (aka brother) faculty to establish secret chapter of the holy Scottish Freemasonry, cultivating the art of real mercy of Masonic lodges' three symbolic degrees. "Especially
no nepotism in the province, no spirit of faction, no weakness towards insubordination. Implying good and successful with the order and happiness with the progress of mankind, was to make everything to order and nothing without it.
Who does not see the power that the Illuminati would buy if they have lasted? If they chose land best suited to their operations, and the August Bavaria, whose government had already shown hostility to any reform? If they had just aimed to spread in France? If they had lost valuable time in completing the ritual? If within those organizations were not penetrated the jealousies and problems?
This company, which had compact body and guiding principles, some of which are already out of fashion, and then received by the multitudes, he seemed destined to survive to all those who were vying for domination of Germany, and instead it was the first to fall victim to suspicion of the courts and the Jesuit ire.
Bavaria had spread to corporations Frateschi, and much you could the Jesuits, those against and those against it also ordered the sect, and Jesuit Weishaupt adopted forms to better fight the enemy, but the reaction, more advertisements, more harmonious, more rapid in his movements, the anticipated riding the new sectarians, who found themselves one day with no head, and discovered what is worse, derided. What
DIEES, Mirabeau, who made honorable testimony to the Illuminati in his classic work on the kingdom of Prussia, came to Berlin to start, and back in France, speaking of this change, as many others, dififuse knowledge and desire. Even Bode, who had succeeded, as we said, to Weishaupt, was in Paris in 1787, and formed attorno una piccola chiesa formata da uomini illustri, il duca d'Orléans, il principe Talleyrand, Condorcet, Brissot, Grégoire..."
Fonte:"Il mondo seceto"Di Giovanni de Castro.
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