The video opens with the men on the march, some of them have their heads covered by suggesting that these men are prisoners. One of the men in a pyramid shape, while another holds in his hands a hexagram, marching as prisoners. This is a representation of the masses that keep pace with the elite and the symbols show off? The
Gaga is then taken up in a position of power, with a crown black of the "enlightened" while watching the prisoners before their execution.
The "black queen" break the glasses at a time, all-knowing eye glaring sign (which has been discussed in numerous articles), revealing the true nature of his power.
In this scene, the Gaga wears a "bra gun," in accordance with the Illuminati plan to clear any form of sexual perversion. His dancers are dressed in uniforms reminiscent of fascist dictatorships in the era of Hitler, Mussolini and Franco. L 'political oppression is really sexy ... oh wait, no, it's not ... it goes against everything that America (and Italy eg.:) presumably believes.
SLAVES Mind Control?
In a symbolic scene, a soldier is shown attached to strings like a puppet. He has no control of his movements and keep a gun in intimate areas (sex / weapons). He watches without understanding, as one that has been brainwashed.
In what seems like an internment camp Gaga tied to a gay bed while she is raping them, in what looks like a re-enactment of a ritual abuse.
In the final scene of the video, GaGa is shown attached to strings. It is checked herself in taking forward the agenda of the Illuminati?
CONCLUSION As stated above, the video of Alejandro is very complex and symbolic, lends itself to multiple interpretations, depending on the viewer's knowledge and his point of view. There are, however, parts of the video in which the symbolism is clear and concise, leaving little doubt regarding the message being communicated. During the video, Lady Gaga goes through a metamorphosis very deep, rejecting the Christian faith and its symbols desecration embracing a new kind of spirituality.
Gaga's transformation is a representation of the transformation that is happening worldwide? The members of the Elite, which was thought religions were part of "regular" are revealing their true selves Lucifer to the public? The New World Order seppelirà traditional religions to embrace a new kind of spirituality?
Whatever the case, as this video is intended to disseminate the collective unconscious a particular set of symbols and values \u200b\u200bthat will become, over time, "part of our culture." To achieve this, charismatic figures who are admired by public were used to make these messages cool and trendy. Music fans have been subjected to a strong creative drought in past years, leading them to the desperate search for a new icon eccentric. So Lady Gaga enters the scene and away some painfully formulaic music ready to be elected new princess of pop. In his songs you drag even the shadow of the enlightened and bangs in his face to his young fans of the symbols of their oppression.
Source: neovitruvian.wordpress.com
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