LASTRIGIANA: Scro, Becagli, Bisa, Nannini, Bartolini, Stan, Florence, Bernardoni, Earn, Maurello,, Stantonastasi. A disp.: Carrots, Conti, Ghelardini, Trademarks, Tortelli, Gentleman. Herds: Leonardo Zecchi
NETWORKS: 22 ', 64' Welcome to P. Two
Floria, Lastrigiana Zero. The most classic of the results of team rewards mr. Benfari that the walls between friends, get the seventh straight league victory. In analyzing the match the boys Bellariva not appear as bright as in other circumstances. The team has appeared often contracted, slow and devoid of ideas that often, however, had appeared fluid and determinants in the previous races. Complications, of course, an aggressive Lastrigiana who occupied every space well and tried the way of scoring with the excellent Maurello able to trouble many times the rear room.
-round of the competition there is little chance of note even though the 22 'Welcome Peter cast the first stone and scored a seal that goes to unhinge the door Scro defense. The Lastrigiana, notwithstanding, the network suffered not give up and he reacts with great stubbornness. Local people often make dangerous on set-pieces, but Scala is that on both occasions Chirici fail to double the advantage. The latter are modeled on the previous forty minutes, and so after a great tussle in midfield is still Welcome Peter to sign his own shotgun. At 70 'we recommend the expulsion of Nicholas Ricceri following a verbal confrontation with Conti, Lastrigiana, so try to attack in superior numbers, but the remaining time is now limited and can not perform a true miracle. At the final whistle of the referee Flora sealing his seventh success in a row and is ready in the next week-end in the sixth, to the completion of the eighth wonder of the world!
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