Friday, March 11, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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running and walking TRICOLORE
THURSDAY March 17, 2011
non-competitive road race open to everyone from 0 to 90 years:
Km 11
MEETING: 10.00 am Madonna (Harbour Area - Arena del Mare) PESCARA
DEPARTURE: 10.30 am
The event will take place in all weather conditions, the competitor is free to make the path to walk or travel.
For information and registration: Mobile: F. Schiazza 3408990398
M. Pulsoni 3 472327718
Marcello Pulsoni
Friday, March 4, 2011
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thank all the supporters and all those who have enabled the success of our Blog. THANKS
Simone Rossi
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Breadman Telephone Number

Never before, Pasolini is appreciated, quoted and misused - in contrast to what happens in the academic context, where attention to his works, in particular, has been continuous and profound -, but as was produced by quest'intellettuale risks being suffocated by the myth of the character, to appreciate Pasolini, or to be able to criticize, you must know, by listening to what we have today. With this event we will try to go beyond the clichés or simple commemoration, which is resolved by denying the intent thereof, with the participation of scholars, specialists and even his friends.
not miss it!
Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, University "G. d'Annunzio "Chieti
President of the Cultural Differences
10.30_ The Hours configuration of the grace and the film-will or the 120 Days of Sodom
Hours 11.30_ Screening of documentary "Pasolini our next "
Hours: 15.40_ Corps of martyrdom, the bodies of beauty through the imaginary Pasolini
astral cinema of Pasolini
presides Rolando D'Alonzo , Writer and director RAI
Greece according to Pasolini
Chair Prof. Carmine Catenacci
Ashes of Gramsci
The body, the sacred, the power: the meta-dramatic writing last Pasolini
Chairman: Prof. Giulio Lucchetta
Hours 17.00_ debate Marco Pannella, leader of the Italian Radicals and Fulvio Abbate, novelist and journalist
participate Giulio Lucchetta and Rolando D'Alonzo
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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LASTRIGIANA: Scro, Becagli, Bisa, Nannini, Bartolini, Stan, Florence, Bernardoni, Earn, Maurello,, Stantonastasi. A disp.: Carrots, Conti, Ghelardini, Trademarks, Tortelli, Gentleman. Herds: Leonardo Zecchi
NETWORKS: 22 ', 64' Welcome to P. Two
Floria, Lastrigiana Zero. The most classic of the results of team rewards mr. Benfari that the walls between friends, get the seventh straight league victory. In analyzing the match the boys Bellariva not appear as bright as in other circumstances. The team has appeared often contracted, slow and devoid of ideas that often, however, had appeared fluid and determinants in the previous races. Complications, of course, an aggressive Lastrigiana who occupied every space well and tried the way of scoring with the excellent Maurello able to trouble many times the rear room.
-round of the competition there is little chance of note even though the 22 'Welcome Peter cast the first stone and scored a seal that goes to unhinge the door Scro defense. The Lastrigiana, notwithstanding, the network suffered not give up and he reacts with great stubbornness. Local people often make dangerous on set-pieces, but Scala is that on both occasions Chirici fail to double the advantage. The latter are modeled on the previous forty minutes, and so after a great tussle in midfield is still Welcome Peter to sign his own shotgun. At 70 'we recommend the expulsion of Nicholas Ricceri following a verbal confrontation with Conti, Lastrigiana, so try to attack in superior numbers, but the remaining time is now limited and can not perform a true miracle. At the final whistle of the referee Flora sealing his seventh success in a row and is ready in the next week-end in the sixth, to the completion of the eighth wonder of the world!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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FLORIA 2000: Negrisolo, Nesi, R. Welcome, Chirico, Paul, Loreto, Chair, Welcome P., Ricceri, Vannetti, Giovannetti. A disp.: Bottai, Guetta, Cubillos, Shpend, Scala. Herds: Massimiliano Benfari
NETWORKS: 7 'Giovannetti, 26' Welcome to P., 53 'Marconcini, 80' Cubillos
"HEAVEN AND 'FOREVER MORE' BLUE ..." Floria is blue, the blue boys mr. Benfari that, Montelupo, conquer the sixth consecutive victory. Subsidiary of the Al Castellani Floria takes the field with great fury and competitive in the first forty minutes we can also see very good storyline. Already we see that from the initial whistle for amaranth Empoli will be life long and 7 'Giovannetti download a perfect diagonal that splits the original 0A0. The ice is broken and it melts in the sun with the continuation of the match. The Montelupo has a ready response and 9 'following a cross shot hit the crossbar of the goal defended by Negrisolo who finds himself riveted on the ball in his hands. The boys from avenue Malta are not intimidated and the midfielder has returned to walk the couple Chirici-Welcome, which together give the LA offensive to all stages of the guests. At 21 'Ricceri flies on the right wing, could put the center to the onrushing Vannetti and lonely, but the punter tries to blue personal conclusion that ends on the side. It 's the prelude to the goal that came on time to 26 minutes. Welcome Peter takes possession of the ball and attacking the trocar with a velvety touch disguises herself as a "janitor" going to remove the spider into the top corner. The Montelupo
suffer the pressure of the hosts, but with rapid reversals in the face can, however, to become dangerous. At the end of time, in fact, it remains to indicate a cross struck by Marconcini. After returning from the locker rooms, the Montelupo appears much brighter than the first fraction game, flora, however, seems to suffer more pressure from opponents, so that Marconcini touches the pole with a diagonal of 43 '. Marconcini still a leader at 53 ', this time his shot was closed at the back of the momentary Negrisolo 1-2. The Floria
lost a little the key to the problem, but the Montelupo, although aggressive, can not create more scoring chances for defending the merits of a careful and precise in all circumstances. At 64 'scale becomes dangerous free-kick, but his conclusion is the good response of the extreme Matteoli. In the final minutes, pour into Empoli's attacking midfield in search of an unexpected draw, leaving spaces at the opponent off guard. And it is thanks to a rapid reversal in front of the neo-entered Cubillos marks the end of the race realizing the goal of 3-1.
to flora is another important victory, raising his arms to the sky more blue and a look at that forum, where once again sits Leonardo Caps and just want to send a personal message to a guy who has always been marked for their professionalism, politeness and respect. Essential values \u200b\u200bthat certain authorities and certain people can not understand and especially to distinguish. And so we see people on TV who spit hateful take only 3 days, 30 years of players that let you drag tested in people who may be his parents and many other delirious atrocities and vile filth not rightly punished properly or even forgotten in the basement and put into a jar of memories. And so we witness the show of people who make it a coat of their absolute power but do not have to remember that not only in front of the boys, but sometimes men are men who, instead, it should show ... and there to laugh when we are told that the law is equal for everyone .. when we know that in this world as a coward, not all are equal before the law ... A Leonardo do is be near him, and to dedicate a phrase of our beloved Robertaccio often from life lessons to people that we certainly do not deserve: be happy and if happiness is to forget you, you never forget the happiness ... Real happiness is cheap. If you loved is not of good quality
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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FLORIA 2000 - BELMONTE = 5-0
BELMONTE: Toaiari, Degl'Innocenti, Giannelli, Bartalucci, Ciabattoni, Grassi, Zampoli, Tozzi, Bini, tenements, Money. A disp.: Turi, Corsani, Galganotti, Maddaluna, Sinaj, Luciani. Herds: Ettore Nanni
NETWORKS: 14 'ladder, 28' Chirico, 36 'Giovannetti, 59' ladder, 67 'Vannetti
fifth consecutive victory for the children of mr. Benfari that in half of the season continue at their own pace through victories. Al "Grazzini" makes the cost of the Belmonte mr. Nanni that, despite all efforts, nothing could Floria today against a very cynical and spectacular. The bellarivini expressed since the initial beats a great deal of game, the red-green Niccheri Bridge to try to control the advanced home, but at 14 'reach advantage with a goal of a better punishment for slaying the former Andrea Scala Toaiari . The Belmonte try to respond and 20 'also has the opportunity to equalize, but the extreme Negrisolo and able to reject a miraculous intervention of the foot. Flora continues without hesitation their offensive play, the plots of the game are smooth and at times exciting and at 28 'comes with a well-deserved double Chirici able to anticipate the goalkeeper out. Floria Floria and only in these moments of the race and third goals of Giovannetti is the culmination of an overall performance very exciting. After returning from the locker rooms
the race may seem closed, but the flora is mindful of what has happened in the first leg (from 3-0 to 3-3) and the second forty minutes play them by tracing the footsteps of the first fraction. At 59 'the Floria poker set, quite the case to say ... Floria is the Royal Flush ...
Vannetti fights in great shape throughout the front of attack and 67 'puts his seal on what will be the final goal of 5 to 0 ... Floria ... Chapeau!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
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TRE ESSE - FLORA 2000 = 0-7
THEM THREE: Giovacchini, Scarpelli, Loi, Damiani, Robertazzi, A. Checchi, Oretti, Sea, Rosi, Olives, Checchi G. A disp.: Baggiani, Grossi, Guidalotti, Donato. Herds: Landi Damiano
FLORIA 2000: Parri, Bottai, Welcome R., Chirico, Paul, Loreto, Nesi, Morrocchi, Ricceri, Scala, Giovannetti. A disp.: Negrisolo, Shpend, Cubillos, Benvenuti P., Guetta. Herds: Massimiliano Benfari
NETWORKS: 23 'Giovannetti, 36' Chirico, 42 'Nesi, 66' ladder, 67 'Giovannetti, 74' Cubillos, 79 'Shpend
other hand ... goleada other ... Flora mr. Benfari after nine to zero last week paves the Tre Esse field of Sant'Agata. Partita no history in the opening minutes but the race appeared balanced. Former Giovannetti opened the scoring at 23 ', Chirici doubles on a free kick at 36' and second-half goals in the name of the game travels ... The Floria dominates the local Mugello and Nesi, Scala, Giovannetti, Shpend Cubillos and closes the final match at 7 to 0.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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Sunday, January 30, 2011
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CSFIRENZE: Ferrari, Ghini, Ruocco, Costantinis, Ursu, Chiaverini, Bezzi, Carrion, Luciani, Petrozziello, Cariulo. A disp. El Goutbi, Iuzzolino. Herds: Jacopo Courts
REFEREE: Gemignani Florence
NETWORKS: 18 'Bottai, 30' Vannetti, 45 'Chair, 51' Welcome R., 53 'Ricceri, 57' Shpend, 68 'Welcome to P., 71' Shpend, 80 'Ricceri
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Itchy Ear Itchy Palm'
FLORIA 2000 - SHOWER = 2-1
REBIRTH SHOWER: Bottino, Fanelli, Barbadori Baccani, Pozzato, Lucchesi, Vidili, Bertini, Talant, Rinfroschi, Lasaponara. A disp.: English, Sternini, Aglietti, Beni, Cocchi, Lenzi, Scanavini. Herds: Leonardo Conti
NETWORKS: 33 'Lucchesi, 51' Welcome to P., 62 'Paoli
After the great undertaking that took place in Olympus, Flora gets another victory for the prestigious race for fifth place. Actually today is the result of winning after a bad game, but in the end what matters are the three points obtained. The race starts
bland rhythms, Floria and shower each other are studied in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe field and the opportunities are very few worthy of note. At 19 'Ricceri could bring the local advantage, but his left from the edge of finished just wide. At 25 'there with a placement test Welcome to Peter from the right, his shot on the fly can not find the face of goal. Rebirth try increasing the pace and he succeeds in the final minute of the first portion of the game so that at 33 'moves ahead with a beautiful shot from outside the box hurled by Lucchesi. Benfari shakes his boys during the interval and in the opening minutes of the second half we see a decidedly more perky Floria so that within a few minutes he can create two scoring chances really important, but in both cases rejected the extreme Bottino each attempt. At 51 'spaces are the deserved equalizer thanks to a fine right-Welcome to Peter after he disposed of an opponent's claims to the network sending the ball under the crossbar, just behind dell'incolpevole Bottino. Flora believes in victory and in fact the balance is a result close to both teams. At 62 'on the development of a corner placement Paoli is disruptive, and decisive so that, with a precise header, is able to sign what will be the winning goal. Pinwheel of substitutions in the final minutes, but the final whistle and Flora to win the entire stake
Saturday, January 15, 2011
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OLIMPIA FLORENCE: Biancalani , Marino, Caldarelli, Mariotti, Lucchesini, Scarlatti, Rocchi, Bonforte, Renna, Papini, Mazzolla. A disp.: Temin, Belluci, Contri, Change, Heels. Herds: Francesco Vigiani
FLORIA 2000: Negrisolo, Chair, Bottai, Chirico, Paul, R. Welcome, Welcome P., Morrocchi, Vannetti, Scala, Giovannetti. A Disp.: Parra, Loreto, Keqi, Shpend, Guetta, Cubillos. Herds: Massimiliano Benfari
NETWORKS: 31 'Papini, 42' Welcome to P., 43 'Lucchesini, 47' Mazzolla, 64 'Chirico, 74' Shpend, 80 'Shpend
The victory of the heart, the victory of a team who still believes in dreams! The flora of mr. Benfari is not new to these companies, but, perhaps, that today will be a memory that we carry with us over the years. The Olympia team is solid, compact, strong physically and technically, the Olympia is the first class, but there Floria ... and it shows! The boys arrive
Bellariva the "Cerreto" in training altered (In Cappelini forum, bomber Ricceri disqualified, Nesi and injured himself on the bench injured Loreto). The host defense
virtually unprecedented, but today Benfari asks the sacrifice of all. The Olympia and wants to win, tied for the Scandicci groped can escape, while the Sestese feel breathing down the necks of blacks yellow.
Bees del Campo Marte start, but in reality they do not bite so deadly. At 18 'comes the first opportunity to score, but the goal of rejecting the shot that fails Papini a wonderful opportunity in front of the door. The Floria controls the match with tenacity and attention, Scala, Giovannetti Vanneti form a trident and dangerous and 24 'is the latter to have the opportunity to take advantage in the Bellarivini. The Olympia
appears bright, but thanks to a defensive error to the host took the lead 31 '. Papini download from the right diagonal of a surgical precision and Negrisolo can do nothing (1-0). The children of the avenue Malta have a quick reaction, but in the remaining minutes of the first portion of the game nothing happens again. After returning from the locker rooms boys mr. Benfari start to spur beaten after only two minutes and get a draw. Welcome Peter discharge from the edge of a fireball going get under the intersection of the poles. (1-1) no time to rejoice that the reversal overlooked, is the inclusion Lucchesini perfect to beat the extreme blue with a nice touch from close range (2-1). The Floria chew bitter and it seems especially when the knee in 47 'Mazzolla marking the third goal following a fine team move (3-1). The minute run, but does not appear Floria team dressage and the 64 'scale fish entering Vannetti that after receiving the ball finds himself face to face with the extreme local Vanneti avoids it, but the landslide on Biancalani forcing the race director to declare the penalty kick. Biancalani is cautioned, but maybe there were too extreme for the red having a clear scoring chances. From eleven meters shows Chirici that displaces the number one yellow black (3-2). The Football ... this is the beauty of this sport, when you least expect it happens that you never imagined. Log Shpend, not only in the field, but in the game in all respects. The young blue flies on the right at 74 'and the top of the download from his sling, the shot is powerful and very precise, Biancalani surrenders and is 3-3. The Olympia trembles, falls physically and psychologically, the flora is ecstatic and instead looks for the big hit ... looking for that feeling and emotion that makes you feel good, satisfying, in a word ... searching for that state of emotional well-being 80 Minute Call happiness ... Shpend still diagonal from the right, and rejects Biancalani Shpend the tap-in on the net ... ribate Flora found it ... here's JOY '4-3
intense emotion ... So ... is .. and if you think
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sensacje 2wojny Swiatowej
SCANDICCI: Guetta, Feola, Ahmetaj, Fresh, Beautiful, Renieri, Posarelli, Gurioli, Gueye, Corsinovi, Asanovski. A disp.: Cersosirno, Bianchi, Dolphin, Formigli, Genoa, Skins, Banquets. Herds: Milanesi
NETWORKS: 13 'Ricceri, 58' Asanovski, 69 'Gueye
If the first class he thought he had an easy time against the team of mr. Benfari field must surely have realized how much this is Floria team to fear. Boys Bellariva turistic this fact head-on collision definitely think about it and maybe a draw would still be the right thing. The
Scandicci, for its part, has shown he deserves the championship lead. Compact team, fielded well and individuality really interesting as Gueye is no coincidence that the current top scorer championship.
The worst in the field? The referee. Physically impractical and technically questionable for a meeting at this level. Questionable decisions, always away from the game enough to annoy all the protagonists of the race. The Floria is charged for the second consecutive time and the suspension of Cappellini (acquired in Calenzano) until 11 April is far too severe a punishment for a team that in the past two years has demonstrated not only their excellent technical and tactical value, but also and above all sound principles of sportsmanship and fair play. A correctness that, while nowadays Alguna players have certainly demonstrated the Scandicci with unnecessary waste of time and not worthy of a team that wants to win the championship. The Race ...
initially makes Floria playing with order and ease, and already at 13 'moves ahead: Two steps in the vertical and "will seek" blue, face to face with Guetta not betray the expectations: Right Cleaning network and which swells (1-0)
The Scandicci try to react despite the fear, but local defense (with Nesi, Loreto, Paul and Welcome to Rocco) is always careful and safe enough to not give anything to fear attack host. Time running out across the tracks without balance, however, never to miss important emotions.
When the two teams, after a good hot tea, fall to address the second part of the race, the race becomes even more lively and interesting. They spend 18 minutes and is Scandicci equality with a diagonal Asanovski beating the innocent Negrisolo. The Floria willingly accept equality, but Scandicci finds strength and courage to take the lead and the 69 'Gueye crushes the head came a beautiful cross from the right, Negrisolo intercept the trajectory, but the ball ends at the bottom of the bag. From this point on, guests are transformed into spectacular theater world by sliding the time until the final whistle that gives the team three valuable points mr. Milanesi.
Monday, January 10, 2011
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unemployed young
Valerio Magrelli
unemployed young
with strange portfolios
put money that is not earned.
Fathers hidden
breed magical substance that poisoned
light for your beers.
Sentenced to accept a gift fairy
sunk in sleep
mortal age,
your youth
Sleeping Beauty, languishes in
spell of a life in half.
unemployed young
chatting in bars
in an eternal present that does not let go.
are convalescent care
this great evil that makes them stay awake
never work.
at night are normal, like everyone else sleep
even if the dreams are empty
even if the dreams are false.
False is their life,
fake, made by a pantomime
interrupted by the first.
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.. You know it's hard not to have you e. ..
having to smile at people who do not know
of my inner life is
aspettan that makes them laugh ...
while you go away!
.. e. .. I leave to defend
but wherever I go I know you think you
hoping to be the same.
Listen to the joys are not always free to vote
Worlds contend the blanks of a desert that
not see but feel that after all there is and is not easy. And I go away for
defend myself but I know that wherever I go I'll think
hoping that is the same for you.
What are you doing?! There is no way that from one day to tell me
to go back and maybe come back to me.
wherever I go.
wherever I go. And I go away for
defend myself but I know that wherever I go I'll think
hoping that is the same for you. But
cosafai?! There is no way that from one day to tell me that all'aitro
go back and maybe come back to me.
wherever I go.
wherever I go.
wherever I go.