Saturday, October 31, 2009

Instructions On Making A Pamper Cake

Differences Annuario RIMA

E 'was finally given published the first issue of the Yearbook RIMA (Computer Resources for the Ancient World), created to "publish part of the produce from the Center RIMA "

" The Centre was established in 2007 following an MIUR that had access to the chair of the History of Ancient Philosophy, was formed with the participation of prof. Bultrighini U., Professor of . Tirinnanzi and Prof. N. ssa. Lucchetta GA, to program the application of computing to humanities, with the aim of supporting research through the development of appropriate instrumentation capable of documenting and use of the results. "
However, the Centre has also tried his hand with its specific objectives, investigating issues and research segments such as Plato political, allegory and metaforologia , Cosmografia Culture and soul and expanding its activities in the field of cultural projects such as concrete Storm in Chieti, Culture and soul Darwin Day at the University of Chieti .

Here A summary of the topics covered in the Yearbook:
• orthogenesis, language and social evolution in Aristotle (Julius A. Lucchetta)
• The biological basis of behavior (Anna Rita Iannetti)
• Brief historical-anthropological (Charles M. Pauer)
• Why the trend continues to be a controversial topic? (Gilberto Corbellini)
• Beyond biology: the Darwinian revolution (Valerio Pocar)
• The matter as a philosophical concept and as a physical reality (Carlo Tamagnone)

addition, the presentations are published in the text of the Centre RIMA, the UAAR (Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics) and the Cultural Differences, actively involved in organizing cultural events described in the Directory.


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