Because one day, hopefully :-), I will work at a company or at least I'll have to do with them, I thought I'd include in my blog something very important: effective communication of the company.
The Corporate Communication hinges on three important phases. The omission of even one of them inevitably undermines the effectiveness of the communication process. The three phases are:
- corporate identity (corporate identity);
- communication (effective) real;
- corporate image;
The corporate identity
It is the pre-condition of the communication process. If the company does not share their identity inside, the statement put in place will never be effective. Therefore, the identity is the sole responsibility of top management (management). In particular, the corporate identity is what the leaders of the organization intend to first develop and then communicate, taking into account the constraints:
- fatturali (organizational structure, laws and regulations, technical feasibility);
- related positioning company (the competition);
- about the brand or mark, in turn divided into: retrospective (the organization's history), current (eg. the launch of a new product), prospective (new strategies)
The actual communication
Acquired by all the staff of the identity, he shall be channeled into the system in which the organization operates. So it will be possible to build corporate image. In fact, the communication process can be seen from two perspectives: the
- contents of the vehicle, ie the disclosure;
- the final part of the process, namely the construction of a
There are three models to convey the identity:
- functional exists a function, a subsystem responsible for the internal and head of external communications;
- of advertising, promotional activity is carried out by external agencies, where appropriate in accordance with the directives given by the maximum company representative;
- integrated in this case, the communication process has no jurisdiction exclusive of an internal subsystem (or a particular function), but is an activity that integrates all the subsystems or functions of the company, to provide a coherent identity and unity. The integrated model, then, is the only one that takes into account the complex management of the company, allowing you to highlight opportunities and difficulties of a truly effective communication.
We see better integrated model of communication:
can be defined by the phrase: "to integrate different texts for different audiences with different media.
Keywords are:
- texts: There are several possibilities and the choice is dictated by a semiotic point of view, the form of expression: writing, including that on the computer screen (website);
orality, as the "face to face" (eg in shops or in the stands at trade shows), with all the advantages of verbal and nonverbal communication, including feedback (the feedback effects typical of this type of communication ) visual material (such as the poster shown), audiovisual equipment (eg television commercials). - of audience :
either internal, in which case communication is done in order to increase the effectiveness of relationships between departments, creating team spirit and raise awareness of the new identity external customers-not only consumers but also the general public are not the customer, consumer associations, opinion groups, institutions and the media, what meets the new guidelines in terms of marketing, where the traditional 4 "P" (princ, product, place and promotion), have been joined by two other (politics and public relations), using the "megamarketing" Kotler; - Media:
means not only serves to convey the identity, but identity is itself ("The medium is the message" said McLuhan), the company will choose between means that host other texts (eg newspapers) or equity, is to remember that the media have a different effect depending on whether one-way or have some form of feedback, because the latter allows the definition of strategies tuned for more on the customer, according to public addressees: funds allocated to public affairs, such as internal memoranda, circulars and notice boards, funds allocated to public external separated them into customers expanded (achieved by all means available) and media (achieved by means of the conference and press release).
The corporate image
If the identity is a necessary but not sufficient for effective communication, the end of the communication process is in effect the construction of the corporate image.
We have two different types of corporate image:
- image found, is the identity that the public perceives and is recognized by classical and quantitative surveys (eg surveys);
- image pending, is made up of identity and values \u200b\u200bthat the company has placed at the base communication that would like to see recognized by the public addressed
Ideal for the business organization is to get a single unified image, which is the fission of the recognized images and expectations.
The overall image has in fact two important functions:
- defines a "system of expectations" score that the company must be able to meet;
- provides a "framework of meaning" within which interpret the text, when in fact the same advertisement, issued by different companies (but with similar objects), is perceived differently from the same audience, it means that one must look to the frame of meaning of the message, because the latter is to induce a different interpretation.