Sunday, December 21, 2008

How Will You Know If A Scorpio Man


Looking at the blogs of my friends was looking for an example of "false statement" and the blog of Paola http:/ / / search? updated-min = 2008-01-01T00% 3A00% 3A00-08% 3A00 & updated-max = 2009-01-01T00% 3A00% 3A00-08% 3A00 & max-results = 10 is just what I was looking for.
will discuss briefly the topic of bullying, as a prime example of negative communication.
it looks like a hostile form of communication, conducted in a systematic way by one or more individuals to a similar, who is now in a situation of helplessness and lack of defenses. What the modern
mobbing remains of the ancient customs, is the technique of gradual and systematic dissemination of information designed to isolate a specific victim, put them against the entire group and then blame. Of course, today there is no risk of ending up as the stake or the gallows by royal decree, as was the time of witch hunts, but you may well say that the outlet of these oppressive measures is just as damaging as today's victims of bullying has led to self-destruct and to use, in severe cases, suicide. Thus there is, today as yesterday, as Nietzsche put it, the annihilation of human beings.

Through which actions will be implemented?
  1. simple exclusion
  2. spreading gossip
  3. constant criticism
  4. persecution
  5. task assignment dequalificanti
  6. impaired social image
  7. sabotage of work and illegal actions
E 'right on the second point I wish pay more attention. With the spread of gossip means insults, threats or insults, abuse of power or unfair disciplinary action, which lead, in the one against whom it is addressed, feelings of anger, threat, humiliation, vulnerability that undermines the confidence in himself and Stress can cause diseases.

Therefore, through this post, I wanted to emphasize the fact that a communication action reflects a "positive" is opposed to a statement such as "negative." The latter has the ability to destroy (the personality) of the individual who is being abusive to the Act.


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Taking a cue from the blog of my classmate " http://lupag-tiascolto. / "It occurred to me that one of the essential factors of the communication is" active listening ".
But how to listen actively?
How to demonstrate ability to pay attention to the statement of the interlocutor?
Active listening is based on empathy and acceptance. It is based on creating a positive relationship,''characterized by a climate in which a person can feel empathy''and included, however, is not judged.
When you practice active listening, instead of asking with attitudes that are traditionally considered to be''good''observer, that is, as impassive people,''''neutral, self-confident, regardless of their emotions and designed to hide and ignore their reactions to what one hears, it is more appropriate to make available to really understand what the other is saying, also highlights possible difficulties in understanding. This makes it possible to establish relations of recognition, respect and learning mutual. To become an''active'', the listener must be open and available to others and not just what it says, but also to themselves, to hear their reactions, to be aware of the limitations of their views and to accept not knowing and not difficult to understand.

The main elements that characterize a good listening activities are:

  • suspend value judgments classificatory and urgency, trying not to define a priori the your partner or what he says in''categories''of meaning coded notes and
  • observe and listen, gathering all necessary information on current status, noting that silence helps to understand and that the real play is always new, it is never defined in advance as a renunciation of knowledge already acquired
  • put yourself in someone else's shoes - to show empathy, trying to take the perspective of the person you are talking and sharing, as far as is humanly possible, the feelings that manifest
  • checking understanding, both the content of the report, reserves, and so the opportunity to ask questions open to facilitate the exposure of others and improve their understanding
  • care logistics, paying attention to the physical-spatial environment in which communication takes place to facilitate the other person and make him feel as much as possible at ease.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

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As you can communicate

Earlier I spoke of three levels of communication regarding the 'intentionality. It 'should, however, know that there are other levels on the implementation of the process communication. Simplify the
These are the ways we communicate:
  1. verbally spoken or written: it concerns the content of the message (words, correct use of the terms of the language ...)
  2. para-Level: what we are all shades we give the message (tone, pauses dialogic, pushed and acceleration, speed, tone volume, dialect ...)
  3. non-verbal level: it is contained in all that regards the body language associated with the verbal (posture, stance, gestures, facial expressions, breathing, management Pazio ..)
  4. level symbolic visual language is not strong verbal symbolic value (clothing, hair style, status symbol ...)

It 'clear that for each level of culture and education have a strong influence. But I believe that the point number three in need of special attention. But we'll talk in a future post.

Hello everyone!

From: # 256.1 ,

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communicative act

spundo Taking the comment by our colleague Saleh, I think it's very interesting to talk of "communicative act".
The communicative act has the task of making the common object communication between two or more speakers. It must be understood as the transmission of information via messages, by an issuer to a recipient. Because this process occurs, it is necessary that the components that make up the message (the signs) are constructed according to certain rules and combined according to others, and these rules form the code. If these rules were not present, the communication would be very difficult. Human communication is emerging as an interactive process in which we understand in relation to situations, interests, expectations and circumstances.
Within a communicative act there are only a transmitter and a receiver, but, as he points out Jakobson, a situation communication is also characterized especially by the message that is transmitted from the code by which the message is encoded, the channel (physical means or instrumentality of the transmission of the message), the context and the contact between sender and receiver.
Communication can be understood as the process is to transmit or circulate the information, a set of data in whole or in part unknown to the recipient before the communicative act. It should be noted that:
a) the relationship between sender and receiver is bilateral and reversible in the sense that each partner has the ability to assume the role of the other, b) -Because the message is considered as a bearer of meaning, then it leads to action;
c) the act of communication the sender and the receiver are adapted to one another and to the general situation to convey the meaning ;
d) the situation with the communication is dialogue, but in reality the relationship between sender and receiver is integrated into a variety of networks. Every relationship that is influenced by the existence of a vast and complex social relationships;
e) human communication is an act driven intentionality. The time of a message is marked by the need to transform a psychic content in an objective fact to be handed interlocutor and to ensure that the latter can understand.
The second phase of the communication is made by decoding the sent message: it is a dynamic process that involves a rich and complex conscious activity, attention and effort to collect all data necessary for an understanding of an expression. Once perceived and deciphered the message (verbal or otherwise) it must rebuild. The reception implies a continuous creation, which is to attempt to find the meaning intended by the issuer. So, in addition to the perception and recognition of signs, it also has the interpretation of that message. But not always reach the exact perception of the message transmitted, as this can be altered from disturbing elements, such as emotional components, disease states that affect the outcome of the communication. As the problem of mental illness always coincide with that of the relationship between individual and organization, then very often, context and expectations, act in an integrated manner, ensuring that people perceive things and how we expect to find them. That we tend to interpret the signs so that they are compatible with our beliefs. They then were given great importance in communication.

[S. Gensini (ed.), Handbook of Communication, Ed Carocci, Roma, 1999, p. 25].
[Garzanti Encyclopedia of Philosophy, p. 195].
[Ricci Bitti, Zani, op. cit. p. 26].

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Communication and Language

The man and his behavior has always been the product of the simultaneous presence of the elements of a biological, psychological, emotional and social development. From this it follows that the communication should be considered in all its forms, a factor of mutual understanding between individuals. While it is true that man communicates verbally through biological equipment exclusive of its kind (ropes Voice of the language area of \u200b\u200bthe brain ...), it is also true that the extreme artificiality and articulation of human communication, resulting from an acquisition culture that goes far beyond genetic transmission, and is inscribed in the history of every man, especially in its social group they belong to. Communicate means to make policy and derives from the "common", whose etymology, from cum (with) and munus (office), is strictly for "that does the job along with other"
[S. Marsicano (ed.), Communication and social problems, Ed F. Angeli, Milan, 1987, pp. 215, 216].

Friday, December 5, 2008

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Three levels of communication and communication

There are three levels of communication:

  1. 0 Level of communication: when the subject has no intention to communicate and react automatically to an external stimulus (pre-attentive processing);
  2. Level 1 communication: presence of intentions first level (simple intentions) that include both stereotyped communicative acts (eg greetings), both common and routine communication exchanges;
  3. Level 2 of the communication is metaintenzione, that the person has the knowledge to communicate by communicating. Corresponds to the statement focused.

With this differentiation and gradualtiĆ  communicative intentions of the subject can produce an effective message and easily understood by the receiver as a function also of its encyclopaedic knowledge, opportunities and constraints simultaneously.

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In all forms of communication, which is in writing (e-mail, SMS, letter ...) or both voice (phone calls, public speaking ...) is required "'s intention. "
The act of communication between them involves complex processes and diverse. Prerequisite because it takes place is that the individual intentionally schedule the meanings that wants to communicate consciously and which implements behavioral strategies appropriate to their purpose. In particular, intenzionalizzazione we refer to the process as a mechanism that involves dynamic speaker and addressee, which are active in both the processes of communicative performance of its intention to produce an effect in the recipient (intenzionalizzazione of the speaker), both the processes of interpretation of the communicative intention of Speaking of the recipient (reintenzionalizzazione). That process in turn supports a number of functions that operate so that the act of communication takes place effectively, the definition of common objectives and behavioral strategies for implementing the communication plan, monitoring el'automonitoraggio the process itself and the effects products from their actions. The whole system uses a set of coordination skills that are necessary to adjust the intention. In particular, the articulation of intentional processes require the intervention of attentional mechanisms aimed at selecting the information and the formulation of appropriate representations (representational communication plan), on the one hand, and the organization of the effector (planning of communicative actions ) on the other. These transactions involve the involvement of central coordination mechanisms, as controlled processes that require metalevel voluntary action by communicating.