Looking at the blogs of my friends was looking for an example of "false statement" and the blog of Paola http:/ / paolafioreblog.blogspot.com / search? updated-min = 2008-01-01T00% 3A00% 3A00-08% 3A00 & updated-max = 2009-01-01T00% 3A00% 3A00-08% 3A00 & max-results = 10 is just what I was looking for.
will discuss briefly the topic of bullying, as a prime example of negative communication.
it looks like a hostile form of communication, conducted in a systematic way by one or more individuals to a similar, who is now in a situation of helplessness and lack of defenses. What the modern
mobbing remains of the ancient customs, is the technique of gradual and systematic dissemination of information designed to isolate a specific victim, put them against the entire group and then blame. Of course, today there is no risk of ending up as the stake or the gallows by royal decree, as was the time of witch hunts, but you may well say that the outlet of these oppressive measures is just as damaging as today's victims of bullying has led to self-destruct and to use, in severe cases, suicide. Thus there is, today as yesterday, as Nietzsche put it, the annihilation of human beings.
Through which actions will be implemented?
- simple exclusion
- spreading gossip
- constant criticism
- persecution
- task assignment dequalificanti
- impaired social image
- sabotage of work and illegal actions
Therefore, through this post, I wanted to emphasize the fact that a communication action reflects a "positive" is opposed to a statement such as "negative." The latter has the ability to destroy (the personality) of the individual who is being abusive to the Act.